Feelings - Deidara x Reader

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This one shot is about Deidara from Naruto which of course I didn't own. I hope you'll enjoy this.
Ps I noticed this after I finished writing, Deidara here is a little OC, sorry...

The only soundbthat could be heard was the wind through the leafs of the trees. I was outside the village and I had to meet him. Of course I couldn't wait for him at home or at those places where other couplets would meet up.

I was afraid to call him to see if he was near, somebody could see me, and if they did it would be the end for me, for the both of us.

Tired of walking with no sight of him I finally sat under a tree trying to keep the tears in.

I was worried, angry, sad, depressed, I felt alone. With all those feelings I ended up falling asleep.

When I woke up it was dark but it wasn't cold, I noticed the black with red clouda mantle on me.

-You awake- I heard his sweet voice and I felt the relief when I saw his smiley face.

-You're here- I said smiling back at him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him -I missed you, it's been three months after all...-

-Yes, I missed you too, sorry I was late. You kniw, the organization doesn't know about us- He said calming me down but I could feel that he was the worried one.

-Konoha knows neither- I said hugging him -I won't let them separate us-

-I'm sorry that because of me you must have this kind of life. If it depended on me I would take you with me but Pain won't ever let me- His voice was a bit trembling.

-Hey, it's okay- I said quietly whiping away his little tears. It was rare for him to cry -Something else happened, right?- He just nodded, he was crying harder and harder, I couldn't hold myslef so I hugged him thight -I'll always be here for you, even if we'll have to part away from months or even years I'll always be waiting for you, no matter what-

-Right now I was I'd never joined Akatsuki.... I'm sorry (y/n), I think thay after today I'll have to stay away for a bit more than usual- He said breaking the hug.

-Like I said, something like this will never change my feelings for you- I said trying to seem as sweet as possible -I'll pray for you to come back safe and sound-

-I will, I won't leave you alone in this world- He said when he stopped crying, finally he was smiling -My only fear is that you could get hurt because of me. I mean if Konoha find out your relationship with me I'm sure they will do anything to you to make you say where I am and all those things... In that case you must-

I didn't let him finish, I knew what he wanted me to do if that happened, I would have never done it.

-I won't tell them anything about you, no matter what- I said with a serious expression.

-No, you will tell them everything they want you to say, if not they will torture you or even kill you. I won't let this happen. You're way too important to me, and for sure you're more important than me-

-Deidara....- I said to catch his attantion -To love means to put the other's life before yours. It's clear that none of us will change minds and neither will change feelings, you will try to convince me to confess everything I know about you but of course I won't ever do that. So.... Let's just hope that it won't happen, right?- I said smirking, trying to kill the tension -And by the way I'm a chuunin, I can protect myself. If they'll find out I'll run away and hide here, in this forests-

-Don't joke about this, please- He said staring at the ground - I got it now.... You're a Konoha shinobi, if the Hokage find out about you know where I am and where I go, they will consider you as a traitor, probably they'll kill you anyway-

-Another reason why not to tell them about you- He suddenly rised his head and looked around us -What's wrong?-

-I think someone is near here, it could be a child playing as it could be a Konoha Anbu.... I must go now. I'm sorry, I didn't want to part from you this way this time- Hi said hugging me.

-Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you- I said hugging him back.

-I'll send you letters with my rubber jutsu so I'll be able to tell it to you when I'll be back, hopefully this will happen in less than a year. Be careful, I love you- He said before quickly kissing me. When I opened my eyes again he was already gone.

-I love you too...-

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