Unsaid - Cedric Diggory x Reader

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This one shot is about Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter which of course I didn't own. I hope you'll enjoy it.

-We did it! We passed the exams!- I shouted when me and my best friend went out from the castle

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-We did it! We passed the exams!- I shouted when me and my best friend went out from the castle.

-Next year will be our last ... It's a bit sad actually...- He said looking at the beautiful sky.

-Yes... I don't want to leave Hogwarts, but it's not like we won't see each other ever again!- I smiled, sure about what I was saying.

-Of course! We will be best friends forever!- He added.

Yeah ... Friends...

He really couldn't get it. That I fell in in love with him ever since our first year at Hogwarts. Both Hufflepuff.

-Well, see you in September, (y/n)!- He said waving at me getting off the Hogwarts Express.

-Yeah, bye Ced!- I waved back.

That summer ...

I can't stand this anymore, if Cedric can't see how I feel about him then I'll tell him myself.

Back to Hogwarts ...

-Hi Cedric!!- I said as soon as I saw him on the train. I couldn't help it but hug him. I kept have a bit of hope that he would understand how I felt by himself but that hope was slowly fading.

-Hi (y/n), I missed you too!- He said, I didn't expect him to hug me back.

When we arrived at Hogwarts we discovered that that year our school would have host the Triwizard Tournament. We all got really excited because of this, especially Cedric.

-I think I will put my name in the golbet of fire- He saif neutrally that in evening in our common room.

-C..ced? Are you sure of this?- I said worried, he turned with a confused and offended face -I mean, I belive that you can deal with those tests... But they said that it is really dangerous-

-I know I can do this- He just said, then he left, still offended.

What have I done?

Then came the day when the three champions would be announced.

-The champion from Durmstrang is Viktor Krum!- Dubledore said. Applouses.

-The champion from Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour- He said. Applouses.


-At last, the champion from Hogwarts is CEDRIC DIGGORY!- 

No! Bloody hell... Not him!

There were a lot of applouses. When he looked at me I just tried my best to smile and to seem proud but inside I was just terrified.

Then the golbet of fire got crazy or something like that because Harry Potter's name came out as well, but I really didn't care about it in that moment.

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