Fake - Farlan Church x Reader

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This one shot is about Farlan Church from Attack on Titan which of course I didn't own. I hope you'll enjoy this.

-Are you going to get out?- The same voice asked me. It was part of my routine.

-No, I'm not-And answeting this way was part of my routine as well -I explained you everything, right?-

-Yes you did....- He sounded a bit sorry and a bit awkward- But you can't keep on acting this way...-

-I miss my old life, is this strange?-I was about to break down. This happened rarely, only when he seriously wanted me to get out. And somehow this way he forced me to remember everything.

-Ok, I understoo. I'm going to go home now... See you tomorrow...- I heard he walking away, closing the door, he was the one getting out.

Why did I said that? He didn't deserve those words... Farlan has been the one and only who stood beside when I arrived and when my parents died.... How could I....?

-No, wait!- I basically screaming, I had being lying on my bed covered by a thousand sheets to make it seem like my old life. If I didn't see what outside was like sometimes I would even forgot that I was living in the underground town. It was enough for me to fake another life.

But Farlan... He didn't accept this.

It had been something difficult for me to step out of my room, my safe place... And then get out of my life... A part of me expected to see a beautiful blue sky.... But there wasn't any. I kept on asking me how could I remember what the sky was like after all those years of living under the ground.

-(y/n)!?- I heard those words as soon as I felt myself falling on my knees, staring at the rock sky -Ehi, it's okay for you to go outside, but you should do it step by step, not all in once... Come on, let's get inside-He said calmly helping me getting up and going back inside. It was kind of funny... Not even five minutes before he was asking and asking for me to get out, and now that I did it by myslef he was taking me back inside the house -Sit here- He pointed at the couch in front of the window.

I didnct know why there was a couch in front of the window.... I didn't even know why there was a couchb I basically lived only in my room..... Oh yeah... My parents used to sit there and watch outside.... To remember how life had changed for us.

-Oh how could I forgot!- Farlan exclaimed after sitting beside me.

-What?- I asked confused, and yet happy that we were going to talk about something and that this would have distract me.

-Me and Levi learned how to use the military corps moving gear- He said smiling.

-Good for you- I simply said expecting something more.

-Don't you understand (y/n)? This could help us to escape this hell!- Now I got why was he saying it and I didn't even find the words to react -We havr just to fully learn to use them and then to create a plan, this can work!-

-It's hard to believe....- I said not looking at him, daring to shot a stare outside the window -It seems more like a dream- And I was really sleepy, I thought I could be right for a few seconds. But my minds faded away when anything start to blur.

My house was disappearing and so was the window and what was outside, as well as the couch and my own self. And Farlan was disappearing too.

There was something white and something blue. A beautiful light blue. Under me there was just green. The wind was the most beautiful thing ever. I could see the clouds moving because of it. I wanted to fly in that moment.

I had always been a crusion child, I wanted to discover new places and have adventures. I wanted to see what there was behind those huge walls. I asked it my parents thousands of times, because adults know the world's reality better than kids, but they would always answer "You can go wherever you want, but you must not go outside, don't you even try to". The first thing I thought was that it seemed like my parents didn't even know what there was, and that was strange.

But then I realized that they meant also that I could go everywhere else and I couldn't hold myself from starting new adventures.

We were a poor family but to me it didn't matter, I had all I needed.

One day I arrived to a huge opening in the rock, I got really curious, I wanted to go there and see what there was inside. My parents told me that the only place I couldn't go was behind the huge walls, and that opening had nothing to do with them.

I stepped inside and started going down the stairs, one by one. But then my parents saw me, they were probably looking for me.

-(y/n)! What are you doing here?! It's forbidden to go there!- My mum shouted me grabbing me by my hand and starting going back up.

When I saw the light again everything happened so fast. My father was talking to a soldier, it seemed something serious -Don't lie to me!- The soldier kept shouting.

-But we're not lying! We really live in the surface! We weren't try to escape from there!- My dad said panicking and pointing at the black darkness behind us.

-It's not believable, look at yourself! Someone as poor as you can't afford living on the surface!- The soldier said, he was really angry -So go back there if you don't want me to kill you-

Even if we knew we were right the thought of dying scared us all and we could do nothing but do as he said.

Yes. It was all my fault.

When we arrived to the city we didn't know where to go, we spent weeks living by the streets. I cried a lot. We went living in spare house, we fall in the situation of being slaves, or spot an house where a really sick person lived and waiting for him or her to die to go live there. We were becoming animals. Our life kept being life that until I turn 14.

One day Farlan and Levi found us, Farlan gave us his house and went living with Levi. They saved our lives. Our existence.

Sometimes I used to play something I called the outside game. It was basically faking with Farlan and Levi that we lived on the surface. But they didn't even know what the surface was like. So I told them.

Then my whole world collapsed. My parents found a job and they used to come back home late, but one day they didn't come back.

A soldier knocked at our door in late evening, I was already asleep but Farlan and Levi were with me so they got the news.

When I woke up I noticed firstly that the two were still there with me and that they looked awkward and sad, then I noticed that my parents weren't back.

-Ehi Farlan, where are mum and dad?- I got a strong friendshio with Farland, stronger than the one with Levi. I could tell him anything.

-Well... They...- He was thinking about how to say it.

-They died- Levi didn't -Yestarday a customer of their shop put on a robbery and killed them both-

I stood there. Maybe he was kidding. Maybe they heard it wrong. Maybe my parents wanted to.... I didn't know what to think about.

I just felt my tears on my cheeks, then my legs moved by themselves bringing me to my room. It didn't took long before Farlan arrived and hugged me tight.

Anyone else would have left me alone. Not him. He understood that I need someone, not even me myself understood it.

He kept patting my head. Wiping my tears. Saying things that made me feel better.

Since then I wanted to say something to him.

Farlan POV

(Y/n) fell asleep on my lap, like she did that day. But it didn't bother me. I like it.

-Farlan, I love you- She said in her sleep. I smiled and patted her hair. She used to say it everytime she fell asleep. I didn't know if she meant it or not, but it made me feel better since I loved her.

-I love you too, (y/n)-

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