Like an Outsider -Eren Jaeger x Reader

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This one shot is about Eren Jaeger from Attack on Titan which of course I didn't own. I hope you'll enjoy this.

-Hi (y/n)- Carla was saying me.

-Hi Carla! Hi Mikasa!- I would say.


-It's a titan! It broke the walls. Other titans are coming! Everyone, run!- I was terrified as I was watching the scene from my room's window. I was alone, both my mum and my dad were working outside of Shiganshina. I started looking for my brother, but I couldn't get off the thought of Eren and the others. Were they safe?


-No, brother!- I screamed as I tried to take my borther's hand. But a titan took him.

-(y/n)! Run away, save yourself!- These were his last words.


-Grandad... (Y/n) didn't say anything since she arrived- It was Armin. I managed to get on a boat to escape from that hell. The only thing I could do was praying for Eren and his family, included Mikasa.

-Probably she doesn't want to talk about what she saw- His grandad told him.

-Hey! It's Mikasa and Eren!- I looked at the direction were he was pointing at and finally I felt some kind of relief.


-(y/n)! You're safe!- Before I could realize I felt someone hugging me, I knew it was my mother.

-I'm sorry ... My brother... He's...- I started crying again.


My mum and my dad ha an important job outside shiganshina, so we managed to get a little house. I lost sight of Eren and the others. Eventually I dreamed about the old good days.


When I was 15 I went with my family in the district of Trost. I gave up on seeing Eren ever again, but after all all I cared about was him to be safe.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. With Mikasa and Armin. Wearing military suit.

-Hey, it's (y/n)!- Armin noticed me and waved at me, I waved back. I knew I couldn't just turn and leave them there, so I walked towards them.

-Happy to see you're fine- Eren told me smiling.

-Same here!- I laughed -I was really worried about you guys.... So... You joined military...?- I didn't expect them to choose that kind of life after seeing what titans are like.

-Yes, and I'm going to get revenge- Eren said, suddenly really serious -I'm going to kill every single titan-

-W.. What...?- I asked a bit confused. None told me what really happened to them that day.

So Eren told me about his mother and how his dad simply disappeared. And Armin told me about his grandad.

-I'm sorry, I didn't know..- I looked at the ground.

-No need to worry- Eren said.


A year passed by, and a lot of things happened. In the attck of Trost both my parents were eaten in front of my eyes, Eren rescued me. Well titan Eren.

I had been hiding for that whole day. I could tell I was safe when the sun was getting down.

Mikasa, Armin, Eren and almost all of the friends they talked about joined the survey corps.

They found out that one of their friend was the female titan.

The only positive thing was that Eren and the others came to visit me ofter. So I could talk to them, well actually... It was Eren the one who talked all the time. About their friends. About their superiors. About the survey corps. About titans. About the walls. About tjeir discoveries.

I felt kind on excluded. Things I couldn't understand at all.


One they Eren came to visit me. Nothing strange if not the fact that he was alone.

-Hi...- He said stepping in my little flat. After my parents died I couldn't afford even that little house, plus I felt alone there.

-Oh hi Eren!- I said letting him in. I waited a bit but then I noticed that his friends weren't there so I closed the door -Where are Mikasa and Armin?- I asked him.

-Oh well...- He laughed a bit -They're cleaning-

-Cleaning?- I asked a bit confused but laughing at the same time.

-Yes, our superior told them that they had to clean our whole base that is.... A castle..- He explained me laughing.

-I see... Do you want a cup of tea?- I asked him to avoid the embarrassing silence that was going to come.

-Yes, thank you- He smiled and I made a cup for him and one for me too. They we sat at the table.

-So everything fine?- I asked him.

-Yes, but not as fine as we were before the attack- He said, imagines of his mother's death flashing before his eyes -I miss those days-

-Yeah, me too. You don't know how much... Maybe if the titan haven't attacked us I could have joined survey corps as well.... Of course I would have died on day one, but it would have been fun to be with you guys-I laughed -But after seeing my brother being eaten alive by a titan.... I didn't want to see that again... I was such a coward...-

-Don't say that- Eren said, he was staring to me -Don't blame yourself, it's comprehensible-

-No, it isn't- I turned dead serious -You didn't run away like I did when you found yourself in pretty much the same situation as me. I wish I was brave like you...- He didn't respond and I furiously tried to think about what to say next -I lost years without you, back then I really missed you- Usually to 'you' I would add 'guys' to not let Eren understand what my feeling towards him were. But in that moment I wanted him to see them -I ... Everything had changed when I saw you again, I hadn't been near you like I wanted to be. I didn't support you. I didn't cheer you up. I wasn't there for you. So I deserve this result-

-What result?-

-We have been friends since we were child... And after that day everything changed and now... I feel like I'm a simple outsider for you. One who can't understand your life because it's been far away for too much. I'm like a stranger and I should I accept this- I said without stopping.

-You're not a stranger! Nor an outsider! You kept being part of my life even when you weren't physically there. I knew you were safe and that was enough for me. I hoped you had a new life with your family. A bright futurw with your true love, a good guy....- There I caught a bit of sadness in his eyes but I couldn't get why was it there -I wanted to kill all the titans to protect you too. Because when you love someone the only thing you want to do is to protect her, and to wish her the best-

Dis I hear it right? Did he say "love"? Was he talking about me. I couldn't believe it but I understood that he was.

-I know that kind of feeling... I've felt like since I was little...- I said looking at hom straight in the eyes.

-... Armin?- He asked with sadness.

-I'm not talking about him!- I half yelled, red like a tomato but also laughing -It's you! It's always been you..-

Corresponded love.... I almost forgot about that chance.... And it looked like he had as well.

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