To the moon and back - Jung Seju x Reader

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This one shot is about Jung Seju from Memories of Alhambra, which of course I didn't own. I hope you'll enjoy this.

-Dinner's ready!- I said moving the ramen from the pot to the plates.

One plate for granny.

One plate for Minju.

One plate for Heeju.

One plate for Sangbum.

And one plate for me.

In the pot there was still a portion of ramen. As always. I got used to cook ramen for one person more than how many we were for various reasions. Maybe someone would have been still hungry? We coukd never predict Jinwoo decisions, maybe he could have stopped?

Maybe Seju would have come back?

I know I shouldn't have hoped so, I knew what was going on.


I met Seju in middle school, I moved to Granada due to family issues. When I first arrived I didn't really know the language but I got used to it soon enough. The main problem were about integration.

I really didn't want to go to school. I wasn't getting bullied or anything but I simply felt I didn't belong to that place and I felt uneasy there.

I often used excuses to skip classes, like going to the infirmary. I thought none noticed. But Seju did.

Before we noticed it we became closer and closer. He thought me Korean and I thought him the languages I know. It was fun talking in languages others didn't understand when we didn't want others to know what we were talking about.

Soon he introduced me to his family and they started considering me as part of it, I often stopped by the Hostel Bonita.

Minju and Heeju started calling us a couple even before we started dating.

A few days before Seju disappeared I noticed that he was stressed out, I thought it was because of adolescence, after all we were both 17 years old.

-Seju, you know that you can talk to me if you need to, right?-

-Everything's fine (y/n), don't worry-

Back then his voice was shaking and something was off, yet why didn't I insist?

A few days after as usual I stopped at Hostel Bonita after having breakfast, I wanted to talk to him and clear things up.

-Unnie! It's nice to see you!- Minju said as soon as she saw her. I smiled and I looked around, but my smile faded when I noticed that Seju wasn't there -Oh, my brother was all strange this morning, he said he had to Barcellona..-

-Barcellona??- I repeated in disbelief.

-Ah that boy.. He doesn't even seem himself anymore, you really are a nice person, (y/n)-ah, having all of this patience with him- The granny said, I simply giggled, but something was hurting in my chest, I was worried.

Days bacame weeks, weeks became months, soon one year had passed by but Seju wasn't back.

A lot of stuff happened regarding J-One and Jinwoo. Seju's family had moved to Korea, Heeju told me that she was reciving e-mails from Seju but when we talked about it face timing I could tell something was off and all my doubts were cleared when one evening she called me.

-Heeju? It's strange that you call me at this time of the day, isn't night in Korea now? Are you okay?- She didn't answer but I heard her whimper -Heeju? What's wrong?- I said with a worried voice.

-Seju... I thought you should know it..-

-Did something happen to Seju?- I was worried of the answer she could give me.

When she told me everything about the e-mails, the game, the fact that he wasn't in Spain and neither in Korea, he was actually nowhere in this world. It all made me cry.

-You can come here if you want to- She told me after some full minutes of the both of us crying.

This is how I ended up booking a plane ticket ti Korea.


As I put the plates on the table I couldn't hold myself and I put a bit of sugar in Sangbum's ramen: weeks had passed by but I couldn't forgive me telling granny that Seju was disappeared.

I wanted to escape that reality but sleeping, it became an habit. As soon as I finished eating I started washing my plate and the pot, then the others plates, ignoring Sangbum's comments about the ramen. When I finished I went to what would and should have been Seju's room.

"You can use this room since he's not back yet, and when he'll be back you could share it with him" It sounded like a nice future but I couldn't do anything to help it happening.

I didn't even change my clothes as I slipped under the covers and I closed my eyes.

I felt like I had slept for just a few minutes when I heard someone knocking on my door. I rubbed my eyes and I sat -Yes?- The door opened and Heeju was there with red eyes -Did something happen?- I asked getting up with a dizzy head. She had cried but she was smiling.

-(y/n)?- Another voice came from the corridor and I run to the door frame to see who it was, because that voice was so damn familiar and I yearned for it so much for the past whole year, and it was really his voice -You are here..? For real?-

-I should be asking this to you!- I started crying as I walked to him to hug him -We thought you died you made us worry so much! I can't believe you're really back- He hugged me back weakly, but it was okay. Who knew what he went through.

I don't know how but we ended up lying next to each other on the bed. He talked about someone he didn't kill. Only Heeju and I knew who he was talking about, and we believed him, but it was hard for Minju and Sangbum to understand what was going on, it was better for Seju not to see them too much at first.

-I really didn't kill him- He whispered again and again snuggling.

-We believe you- I replied everytime stroking his hair. His breath was fast and he was shaking -You need to rest Seju...-

-I can't fall asleep, I'm worried that if I do he will appear and..-

-Nothing will happen, it's all over now- I said hugging him -I promise that when you'll wake up tomorrow I'll be by your side-

There had been times when we were together and I couldn't fall asleep due to stress, he woukd grab the guitar and play something to help me sleeping. That moment I regretted not taking guitar lessons from him or Heeju. I wasn't the best singer, but all I could do was humming a song until I felt his breath normal again and his hands stopped shaking -It will be though to get over this, it must have been a trauma for you... but we'll make it I promise, I'll do everything for you and I won't ever let you go again-

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