Games - Kaoru Hitachiin x Reader

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This one shot is about Kaoru Hitachiin from Ouran High School Host Club, which of course I didn't onw. I hope you'll enjoy this.

-Hey (y/n)!- I heard his voice while walking through the school's corridors, and then I felt his arms hugging me from behing and his hands covering my eyes -Can you guess who I am?-

-How could I not recognize my boyfriend's voice?- I ironically asked him, and while he kept hugging me I turned to face him so we could kiss.

It had been almost six months since me and Kaoru started going out together and those have been the best six months of my life.

Hikaru told me that he was really happy that his brother finally found someone who loved, since Hikaru started dating Haruhi Kaoru was a bit sad that he couldn't have his brother around. But when I started dating Kaoru then we've been going to dates all together, the four of us, so everyone was happy. And of course we would have some more intimate dates as well.

-Hey (y/n), let's play a game!- My boyfriend said playfully.

-Okay, whichi game? Which one is Hikaru-kun game? You know I'm a pro at that game!- I said laughing knowing that this would have make Kaoru happy, he loved the fact that there was someone else from Haruhi who could tell them apart. As I expected he got even happier and kissed me again.

-No, I was thinking about something different- He said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

-Then what are you talking about? Hide and Seek? Paper, rock, scissors? Chess? Or maybe something more like sports?-

-Guess what's in my mind- He just said.

-I'm trying to, Kaoru!- I said confused.

-I mean, that's the game, guess what's in my mind, and if you guess right you have a point and if I guess what you are thinking about then it's my point- I didn't expect this kind of game, he told me that he used to play it with Kaoru when they were kids, and they would always guess right because they're twins. Maybe that was a kind of test to see how much I loved him. He said that when two people are somehow connected it isn't really difficult.

-Okay! Trsut me, I'll win!- I said full of self confidence.

-Then we have this whole day, we have to be sincere and Haruhi here...- He said grabbing Haruhi who was walking past us -Will be the judge!-

-Can I know what are you talking about?- She asked confused and a bit annoyed. We explained her the situation -Why do you need a judge? If you're sincere to each other there'll be no problem!-

-We're no good at maths! We will for sure lose the count!- I said laughing.

-It was exactly what I was thinking- Kaoru smirked.

-Then it's one point to me, right?- I asked with the same smirk.

-Yes, yes- He sighed patting my head.

-Kaoru, why didn't you ask me to be the judge?- Said Hikaru who had just arrived and already understood what was going on, he had fake tears.

-It's obvious, you would have give me points that I didn't get- Explained Kaoru to his brother -And I want a fair play-

-You're acting like you're sure to win....- I said staring at him while he kept patting my head -You know I've already one point while you have zero points right? It's 1-0 right now- I giggled.

-We'll see how this thing will end up- I replyed not looking at me.

By the lunch break we were 26-34, and he was the one winning.

-Don't acr like you've already won! Stop it Kaoru!- I said while eating non stop my lunch.

-You shouldn't speak when your mounth's full- He smirked leaning the the back of the chair.

-Stop it already! Lunch pause is a great chance to get points- I said now staring at him trying to read his mind like I was able to use telepathy.

-You're thinking that using telepathy would help you, aren't you?- He smirked again, sure that he guessed right.

-.....yes.....- I said with a bit of sadness, I couldn't lose that game, maybe Kaoru would have got sad too and he would have thought that I didn't really love him -But.... IT ISN'T OVER YET!-

-It isn't- He said neutrally.

The afternoon passed by between my and his guesses, points over points. I was reaching him until at 20.00, the hour when we settet the end of the game, something we didn't expect happened.

-The game is over!- Said Hikaru reaching us while the bell of the school's tower was ringing -Who won?- He asked at Haruhi who was staring at me and my boyfriend.

We couldn't believe it too.

-(y/n) has 100 points, and Kaoru has 100 points too- She answered him.

Did Kaoru understand that I loved him. As if he heard me he hugged me tight.

-I'm happy it ended up this way, really (y/n), I couldn't be happier. You know me as much I know you, we're perfect together!- He said sweetly.

-Did you think that we were wrong together?- I replyed joking.

-Hey you two, get a room!- Hikaru said, we totally forgot that he and Haruhi were still there, well, Haruji had left just when we started hugging.

I blushed while Kaoru giggled and picked me up bridal style and taking me outside the school with Hikaru laugh was our soundtrack.

Not the perfect and classical love story scene but it just suited us.

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