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I stepped out of the airplane after experiencing one of the most turbulent flight of my life. All I can do is Thank God, we made it in one piece, it was a very scary flight. I breathe into the fresh air of Lagos and boy was I so excited, the air smelt of hustle. I have always wanted to come to Lagos all my life but the state scares the life out of me. From the little I know and what I have seen online, Lagos is a fast city, everyone is on the move trying to make ends meet from morning till night. It is a city full of ambitious people and those individuals will do anything to achieve their dreams.

After my National Youth Service camp activities, I got posted to Lagos for my primary assignment to work in a Public Relations Company.

"Hi, you are Nana, right?" asked a girl.

"Yes, I am and you must be Rukky."

"Yes," she squealed and hugged the life out of me.

"Don't mind my excitement, I am so glad to finally have a female like me in the house, she expressed excitedly.

I just smiled sheepishly and followed her to the car after retrieving my huge box. I am stuck in Lagos for a year and luckily for me I don't have to worry about accommodation, I get to stay with my family friends. Mum as I fondly call the woman's house I will be staying is practically my second mother. Back when I was a child, my mother a student, while my dad worked in a different state. Juggling schooling with me was hectic for my mother. Mum was our neighbour then and she had just one son that was eight years old, she was an angel sent from heaven for my mother because she took care of me when my mother was busy. I was practically her second child and I remember when she gave birth to Rukky, I was four years old and I bawled my eyes out for few weeks because I was no longer the centre of her attention. Unfortunately, they had to move to Lagos when I turned six, it was one of the saddest separation of my life, though I was a child I felt the impact of that separation. However, we have been in contact with the family and maintained a good relationship despite the distance from Abuja to Lagos.

"See my long-lost daughter." Called Mum immediately we stepped into the house.

She hugged me passionately and it felt like home, the only other person that makes me feel like that is my mother. Home to me is not a building but it is where those I love are. This woman I cherish and love a lot.

"I can't believe you are here, you have grown into a very beautiful young woman and I am so proud of you."

"Mum I missed you a lot, it feels so good to be here with you."

You see if there is another person I am scared of losing apart from my immediate family is mum. I pray that if they ever go before me, may God grant me the ability to pull through life. While my mother has a firm grip on me and keeps me in check about how to go through life, Mum has a less grip and navigates the way for me. Through the highs and lows, they have been there for me as my biggest support system.

After freshening up, I came downstairs and ate to my fill. Though I haven't seen Mum in years she still hasn't forgotten my favourite. It doesn't feel like I haven't seen her in years though because we communicated all the time.

"So, what organization where you posted?" asked Mum

"I was posted to Paragon, I am so excited about working for that establishment," I chirped.

"Wow, that is quite impressive, wishing you all the be..." She didn't finish her sentence before her husband walked in.

"Good evening sir," I greeted

He gave me a wide smile "Isn't this Nana, wow it has been years. It is so nice to have you, how are you and how are your parents?"

"They are fine sir. Thank you for having me, my parents send their regards," I replied timidly

"O! common on, no need for that, this is also home to you. Welcome and enjoy your stay," he said while walking upstairs.

I have always been scared of him. Back then when we were kids he was a huge man that never smiles, he was a military officer and his uniform made his lack of smiling more intimidating. However, it seems the years have been good to his form of expression, he smiles a lot now and that is quite good.

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