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I didn't see it coming but I, Kabir & Bilal have grown quite close. Kabir brought I and Bilal close, with time I got to find out that he was an interesting person, he gets quite annoying sometimes. For people that don't know him, he is that rude, quite and annoying man. However, when you get to know him you realize that he is a little bit to blunt and not scared of giving his honest opinion about an issue even if he will hurt other people's feelings. The one thing I like about them is there respect women, they don't subordinate you and make you feel little, rather they allow you to explore your full potential but always hang around if you need help.

I call them my Lagos besties, we are always up for one adventure or not. Though they are eight years older than me they have never made me feel naïve or small.

I was sitting in the living room with my back to the door and I was watching a movie. Someone came in quietly without Salam and tried creeping up on me

"Hi Bilal," I chirped without turning.

"How did you know it was me," he asked giving a defeated sigh.

"I perceived your perfume, "I said rolling my eyes.

"You know the scent of my perfume? how interesting,"

"if you count the hours we spend in traffic all day to and fro work and all the times you are always in my business, it is enough for me to master the scent of your perfume, as long as my sense of perceiving is working perfectly."

"Whatever, anyways I wanted to run something by you. So, you remember how you gave me lectures on the importance of learning how to cook the other day right?"

"Yeah," I affirmed.

"So, I am planning on moving out and I have decided to learn how to cook, "he declared.

"Congratulations, I am happy for you and your new zeal of learning a skill," I replied sarcastically.

"I won't let your sarcasm get to me. I was hoping, you will be my teacher?"

"Woah, okay I am not some cooking pro. I think you should approach mum or better still go to a cooking school."

"Is that a confession, that you don't know how to cook well," he asked slyly.

"O! please, I know how to cook I just don't want to teach you," I rolled my eyes

"Why don't you teach me and prove that you can actually cook."

"I owe you no explanation or proof, go to a cooking school."

"Alright then."

I laughed to myself after Bilal left the sitting room. That was a payback for what he did to me the previous weekend. There was a little get together organized by some of my colleagues. On my way to the event, I was called and asked to branch and get some of the snacks from the caterer because she won't be able to bring it and luckily for us, she lives close to Mum's house. Initially Bilal was supposed to drop me at the event arena but when he heard I was picking up snacks, he blatantly refused and claimed his car wasn't for food. Eventually I took a cab to the event. I have been trying to get back at him because what he did was very unreasonable and silly.

"Nana, are you free for the night?"

"Yes, I am. What's up?" I asked kabir.

"So, I got two free tickets for Saro the musical at Terra Kulture art centre today and I was wondering if you will like to go with me, I know how much you love and appreciate Nigerian entertainment."

"Are you even kidding me? I am definitely up for that, I have always wanted to watch that stage performance, I can't believe I almost missed it. Thank you so much for thinking of me first and giving me this opportunity Kabir."

"Hey, no need to thank me, what are friends for? It is by 8:00 pm but because of the traffic I think it is best we leave early, so I will come get you after magrib prayers."

"Perfect I will be ready before then, see you in few hours."

Saro the musical was epic; the Nigerian entertainers are really trying. I wish more Nigerians will start appreciating and accepting our own entertainment.

I got into the house and met Mom and Bilal in the living room watching a show.

"Young lady, where are you coming from at 11?" asked mum while giving me a stern look.

"Mum, I am so sorry I came back late, I promise not to do that again."

"You haven't answered my question though?"

"I went to see a stage play with Kabir," I whispered.

"So, it is kabir that is taking you out and bringing you back late right? I know you are an adult and you can make your own decision but Nana it is not safe out there in the night, this is Lagos not Abuja. Please try and be home by 10:00 at most and if you have to be out later than 10:00 p.m. make sure your phone is turned on so I can know where you are."

"Alright mum, I am sorry I won't do that again."

"You and Kabir now hang out without me, such traitors. This is what I get for introducing you guys," shrugged Bilal.

"Quit the drama abeg, you didn't introduce us. We got to know each other on our own accord and besides you don't watch Nigerian movies neither do you appreciate the whole entertainment industry, so how could we have invited you along," I rolled my eyes.

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