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"How dare you, Nana? I confide in you and the next thing I am hearing it in the mouth of others. What were you thinking?" shouted a furious Bilal.

"Okay! Bilal can you calm down and sit down so I can explain."

He fisted his hand into a bump and paced around with his hands akimbo. Though I looked so composed, I was a bit scared. I have never seen Bilal like that in my life.

He composed himself and took in a deep breath after a while, then said,

" I am extremely disappointed in you. I thought I could trust you with my problems, but apparently, I can't. There might never be  next time, but if I am stupid enough to confide in you next time, please learn how to keep your mouth shut and don't go blabbing."

"Okay Bilal, that is very low. You know everything I did was in your best interest, so quit acting up like a baby," I shouted, I was getting angry too.

"My best interest indeed. Just stay out of my business please," he said and walked out.

I don't even understand humans again. You will try helping them and they will start accusing you of backstabbing them. Bilal is such an idiot, I don't even blame him. If I had not opened my big mouth and tell his mum that he is broke and needs financial help because his brilliant business plan didn't work, he won't be here disrespecting me.

Two months ago he informed me that he has lost a lot of money in his business, things didn't go as he hoped. This is the part I would have loathed him and say ' I warned you' but I didn't because I realized he was very distressed. I encouraged him to speak to his parents and get a loan from them if his ego wouldn't allow him to ask for help. Apparently, his ego was bigger than I thought, he said he wanted to be a man of himself, so he wouldn't call them. Fast forward to two weeks ago, Bilal called me asking for twenty thousand Naira. At that moment I knew things were really bad. I met up with him the next day after the call and he received a call from a prospective buyer for his car. So if you know Bilal, you know that he absolutely adores his car. I knew I had to inform Mum about the situation because it was getting worst.

"That was what happened o and he came here shouting at me last week," I said.

"Okay! What is wrong with Bilal, I didn't even know he was going through all that," said Kabir

"I guess he didn't want to bother you, since you are across the world," I shrugged as if he could see me.

" I don't think that was the situation. See I don't know what you did to Bilal, but he tells you things he doesn't tell people. Bilal is not one to ever ask for help even when things are going south, partly because of his ego but mostly because he doesn't want to be a burden to people. I keep telling him that one can't be a burden to family and friends when things are really tough, as long as you know that they can be of help. To be frank I am surprised he even told you but I guess it was really terrible for him to ask you for money.

He doesn't ever ask anyone for money, even when we were in school and his pocket money doesn't arrive early he doesn't ask anyone and also doesn't remind those at home. That is just how he is. However, I understand you were really concerned but you should have called me or even spoken to Abdul before going ahead to inform his parents. You know they were not really in support of him giving up his job for this start-up."

"I didn't know all that, I was just really concerned and I thought I was helping. I honestly didn't mean to overstep my boundaries," I lamented.

"Boundaries! Do you guys have boundaries?" he chuckled.

"Well I guess we do now," I said.

"Don't stress I understand you were trying to help and I know he also understands that, he is just acting up. Give him time, he will come around. I will talk to him," said Kabir.

"Alright, thank you KB. My regards to the Mrs."

"You are welcome, I will extend your regards. Bye Nana."

It has been a month since our fight with Bilal and he still isn't talking to me. To be frank, I am tired of being worried. I don't care anymore, he can't be acting like a baby when he is a grown man. It is the weekend and I decided to pamper myself. I went out to watch a movie and decided to go have a light lunch before the movie time. I was minding my business and eating when this old man wiggled to my seat and decided to start hitting on me. It was so annoying because that man is older than my father. The most frustrating part is that he didn't even try to inquire if I was married or not, he just started shooting his shot with disgusting pick-up lines.

"Babe! I am sorry I am late," said somebody from behind me.

I have never been glad to see Bilal in the past one month like I was seeing him now. He sat down on a chair and greeted the man.

"Who are you?" he asked Bilal with so much fury.

"I am her husband and it seems you are bothering. However, thank you for keeping her company, I am here now." Said Bilal calmly

The man grumbled and took wiggle of shame away from the table. I was glad he left but it was awkward sitting with Bilal after a month of beefing. I had no idea what to say to him so I continued eating my food and pretending he wasn't there. After ten minutes of silence, he started laughing, it was so annoying.

"What is funny?" I gave him a blank look.

"You! You need to see how you look trying so hard to ignore me."

I just gave him a questioning look and he mellowed down.

"Okay Nana, I am sorry. I know I have been a jerk but I was completely mad at you. Nana, I understand you were looking out for me and I am so grateful for your thoughtful little head but you should have given me a heads up before calling them. Now I am not on good terms with Dad because he insisted I come back and join the family business, while I said no. I want to be a man of myself Nana, I don't want to burden people with my issues."

"Well, your apology is not accepted. You shut me out for a month Bilal, that is not done. I understand you were mad but a month, come on. Are you a kid or did I cheat on you that you will refuse to see things from my angle."

"I know I overreacted and I am honestly sorry, It won't repeat itself again."

"Fine! I am also sorry for overstepping my boundaries, I was just really looking out for you Bilal. I couldn't think of any way to help, hence making the call. I understand how you want to be a man of your own but there is nothing wrong in asking for help Bilal. Family and friends are here as your support system; to help you through your struggle, lift you over the wall that is tough for you to climb alone, hold your hands through tough times and just listen sometimes. Letting people help you carry your burden doesn't make you weak or less of a man. No man is an island of themselves and we all need people once in a while. Bilal, you need to let people help you more often especially when you are in serious demand, it won't kill you.

"O! my Nana is all grown, I haven't spoken to you in a month and suddenly you are spitting wisdom," he laughed.

"Be serious Bilal, I am not joking."

"Okay! I understand you Nana and I promise to let help me more."

"How is the business going now," I asked.

"Well! I got a loan from mum and we put into it, I got good news two days ago and things are looking good. Our first set of the device will be coming in next week," he beamed.

"Alhamdililah! You better say a proper thank you to me then, because I saved you," I rolled my eyes.

" This girl, I have missed your trouble. Anyways thank you and I didn't mean all those statements I made during the confrontation. I was just angry."

"No problem, I understand," I smiled.

I rounded up my lunch and dragged Bilal into the movie theatre with me. However, that turned out to be a huge mistake, he kept complaining through the whole movie. I am just glad that we are now on speaking terms. Although I will never admit it to him, I actually missed him.

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