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"Nana, can you just hear me out."

"Am I not here? Go ahead and say what you have to say, I am all ears," I replied nonchalantly.

"See, just quit this stubbornness. How else do you want me to convince you that this is no rebound, I really want you. It has been four months and believe me I have gone through cleansing and self-discovery and I have realized that you tick all the boxes and I don't want to be with anyone if not you."

"Cleansing indeed," I rolled my eyes.

"Be serious please," he said.

"Bilal, what if this doesn't work? I am so scared. I love you, there is no doubt about that but I am scared of losing this friendship we have. You see if this relationship you are proposing doesn't work, we will never be the same again."

"Nana, everything in life is about risk. I am ready to take this risky journey with you if you will have me. You asked about it not working, but what if it works? We can never know the answer to all these questions if we don't give it a try."

"Do you even love me like that? I don't want to be a charity case, I don't want you being with me because you feel guilty and think you owe me something. I don't want a recipe for a heartbreak Bilal."

"I am not even going to answer that question because I know you know the answer. Besides love is never enough when it comes to a marriage."

"Yeah! Love might not be enough but it makes everything easier. And can you slow down, who is talking about marriage yet?"

"Just think about it and I will be waiting for your answer by ending of the week. By the way, I promise myself this is the last time I will address this issue, Nana. Please make it worthwhile."


I read a funny analysis somewhere that the fluttering butterfly you feel in your stomach when in love, is actually common sense leaving your body. Right now I probably don't have common sense left in me. It has been few months since we started dating with Bilal and it has been very interesting. First, if I thought Bilal was amazing when he was my friend then he is over amazing now. He is extremely patient with me, I know because I have a quick mouth that always chats trash. He respects me, I love how I can be myself with him, without holding back. But we also have our issues, Bilal has a communication issue, something will happen instead of him to mention it, he will be giving me the silent treatment, very childish and annoying.

Today is one of those days, they are trying to kill me with a huge workload in my office. Between running helter-skelter and getting the job done, I haven't had time to rest.

"Hello Babe, sorry I missed your call."

"How are you?"

"I am okay, just dealing with a lot today. How are you?"

"I am good. Where are you?"

"Really! It is 2:00 p.m. on a Monday afternoon, where else will I be?"

"You could be out on a field trip or those numerous lunches that you always have with clients, besides it is lunch time."

" I am in the office Bilal," I rolled my eyes.

"So no outings today,"

"I haven't even had time to eat lunch today. I only got to put my feet up now before I go back to work.

"I should let you be then, so I don't disturb you."

"No! it is fine. How is it going over there for you? How did your meeting go with the investors."

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