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    I have been back for a month and I am sick out of my mind because of idleness. I applied to a few places for a job, but I am yet to get a reply.

"Nana, Daddy is calling you," called our housekeeper.

I lazily strolled out of my room to the sitting room. I found my parents sitting down and speaking in hushed tones.

"Good evening Daddy, you sent for me," I said

"How are you, Nana? I called you to discuss something important," he proceeded without waiting for me to actually answer how I was.

" You have been sitting down at home for a month now. You know I don't tolerate idleness, so what do you intend to do with yourself? I am tired of seeing you sitting at home from morning to evening."

Okay so my dad is the laid back type, so you can imagine my shock when he mentioned that. 

"Daddy, I applied to three organizations but I am yet to get a call-back from them," I explained.

"So do you intend to stay idle till somebody gives you a job? Nana, you are young, full of strength, time and a lot of resources to utilize. If you don't get a job, start thinking of a start-up that you want to work on. I promise to invest in it. However, I have done my job as a father by sending you to school, now it is time for you to take charge of your life. Therefore, you will still have shelter, food at your abundance but I am slashing your up-keep into half from next month. it is time for you to take charge of your life. Welcome to adulthood"

My eyes bulged out at his statement

"Daddy, you are slashing it?"

"See this girl, you should be happy it is just slashing and we are not completely withdrawing it," chirped in Mummy.

"I am sure you understand our decision is because we have your best interest at heart. So go and think of a start-up and we will take it up from there, " she added.

I dejectedly walked out of the living-room with my steps slower than when I went in. The problem is I have a start-up idea but like a lot of people, I am scared. I am scared of doing it all alone and failing. I picked my phone and called the first person that came to my mind.

"Hey! Wassup?"

"I am not fine, in fact, I don't understand how I am?"

"Okay, drama queen. Tell me what is wrong,"

I went ahead to tell Bilal what my parents said and my fear of start-up and everything.

"That is good. Nana, you needed that wake-up call. You have just been sitting at home doing nothing. I wished Daddy cut off the upkeep completely."

"What is wrong with you? How will you even say that? You know what, It is my fault for calling you and thinking you could help me with my problem," I said and cut-off the call.

Bilal is very annoying I have no idea how I tolerate him.

"Lord! Give me the patience to deal with him before I commit murder one day," I prayed.

Days later, Bilal called me but I was still angry and decided not to pick his call. The annoying part is that I know what he said was true. I needed such move from my parents before I will take charge of my life. So, I really don't know why I am angry. But I will keep being angry till he apologizes.

I received a message from him later in the day that says:

"I am not calling you to apologize if you like don't pick your call. I have a friend in Abuja, that is working on rebranding his business. I know you are good with such stuff, so I decided to contact you. There isn't much money though in it, but it is better than nothing. Call me to get his contact, if you are interested."

I was so happy that a job was coming through. I totally forgot my anger and immediately called him.

"Yes! I am interested," I shouted immediately he picked the call.

"Excuse me please, don't bust my eardrums. I see you are done giving me attitude. I don't understand you honestly Nana. You come forward and share something with me and you expect me to just go with the flow and not tell you the truth. I am sorry but I can't do that, what are we friends for if we can't tell each other the truth? If you like keep getting angry till the end of the world, It won't stop me from pointing out your negative ways, he said.

"Can I have the number now?" I asked.

"You see, you are still angry. Just because I mentioned the truth, this isn't the way to live Nana. I will send the number to you and I will give him your contact too. Good luck, May it be the beginning of great things in your career."

"Amen and Thank you," I answered and cut the call.

I know I am overreacting but I am not bothered. It is Bilal we are always fighting and making up. We will come around. Right now all I can think of is the upcoming job, I am so excited.

It has been months since my first job and I am so grateful. I got a job offer from a branding company after that project and it has been so exciting. I am on my to Lagos to for Kabir's wedding. He is finally getting hitched and I am so happy because Kabir is a nice guy and deserves to be happy. One thing I am extremely sure of is that his wife-to-be makes him happy. They are totally in love, they make you want to fall in love when you are around them.

"It feels so good to be back in Lagos, I miss this place so much," I said while eating Mum's delicious food.

"You are so in love with Lagos this child. Just find yourself a Lagos bachelor tomorrow, get married to him and move back to Lagos," said Mum.

"We are in trouble in this house. Since Mum heard about Kabir's wedding she relates everything to marriage," said Bilal while rolling his eyes.

"Yes! You are in trouble, why won't I relate everything to marriage when you have refused to get married. Kabir that is getting married is he not your age mate? You are there doing fine boy up and down but to wife a girl, it is a problem. I won't keep quiet until you get married," she attacked Bilal.

"Mum calm down, you know marriage is a big deal nobody should be rushed into it. I am sure if he had somebody he would have been married by now. Just pray for him," I chirped in to ease the tension.

"I am praying for him and you too. If I don't  pray for you people who will I pray for?

I will get ready for my outing now before I get stuck in traffic," she said and strolled out of the dining room.

"Please come and marry, so mummy will be happy," I teased Bilal.

"Don't go there, you people think I like living this bachelor life too? No, I don't. But I don't want to rush into marriage because everyone is getting married. Marriage is a sacred institution and it is a forever union, so when I want to step into that sacred place I want it to be with the right person," he said.

"Alright, may Allah provide the best for us," I prayed.

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