Stan Uris x reader

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  "well, well, well, look what we have here" echoed the voice of none other than Henry Bowers,

 I was waiting for Stan at the barrens but he hadn't shown up yet. just my luck...

 "what do you want Bowers?" i scowled.

 Suddenly i was shoved against a tree. i felt Henry tug at my hair as his hands went to unbutton my shirt. He started unbuttoning it causing me to let out a shriek.

 "you little bitch" he growled, shoving my head against the tree repeaditly.

 i felt blood ripping down the side of my face as Henry dropped me to the ground and walked away. everything seemed to be a blur until i saw the outline of a boy running toward me. As he neared closer i realized it was Stan.

 "y/n!" he yelled, his eyes watery with tears as he held me in his arms.

 "i'm okay Stanny" i lied.

 He helped me up, his arm wrapped around my shoulder giving me support as if i had just broken my arm.

 "Stanley..." i muttered.

 "yes, y/n?" he asked.

 "i love you" i blurted without thinking.

 before i could make up an excuse i felt a pair of warm lips press against mine. My e/c eyes widened in surprise as i sunk into the kiss. We pulled away sooner than i hoped we would.

 "wow" i breathed.


 "yes, Stan?"

 "i love you too"

 "i was hoping you would say that" i laughed.

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