Stan uris x jewish reader (bot-mitzvah)

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What if nobody showed up? I wondered. I tapped my foot with anticipation when suddenly I heard from behind me an obviously fake ass Boston accent.
"Hiya, skirt"
"Richie!" I shrieked.
"Oy vet..." I heard Stan mutter from behind Richie.
"Oh, Stanny" I said, embracing him into a warm hug.
"Whu-what am I, Chu-chopped luh-liver?" Bill asked.
"Hiya, Billy" I said, smiling.
Slowly, one by one everyone started to show up slowly and Hava Nagila was FUCKINGBLASTIMGTHROUGHTHEFUCKINGWALLWTFFFF.
I heard a small cough from being me and turned around to see Stan, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"Um, (y/n)?" He asked.
"Yeah, Stanley?" I replied.
"W-wanna dance?" He asked, biting his lip nervously and damn was he hot
"Jesus Stan, your starting to sound like Bill, just come dance with me already!" I laughed.
I dragged Stan to the dance floor with him reluctantly following close behind like a lost puppy. Cute. Suddenly, Adama Ve Shamayim came on and we started slow dancing.
Suddenly I felt something pointy in Stans pants. Was he... having a boner? Holy fuck. Stanley Uris had a boner... because of me.
"Um Stan" I muttered through gritted teeth "do you have an um... boner?"
His cheeks reddened like a tomato causing me to chuckle.
"How cute" I smirked, taking his hand to lead him away to have some fun 😏 💦🍆😂 if ya know what I mean 😉

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