Bill x reader

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I was walking home from school, to go to the barrens to just hang out when suddenly I felt my hair being yanked. I was pulled to the side of the road by none other than Henry Bowers.
"What do you want, Bowers..." I growled.
"I just wanna play, doll face" Henry smirked.
His hand played with the rim of my shirt while his other hand held my hair firmly. Suddenly i got a surge of courage and kicked him in the nuts causing me to fall backwards down the hill behind me.
"You dead, slut!" I heard Henry yell.
I tumbled down the hill until I got to ground and ran into a sewer.
I covered my mouth as I sat in silence
Bills POV
I was sitting with Eddie at the barrens when suddenly I saw a (h/c) haired girl run past us and into the sewers. I looked up to Bowers.
"Have you seen a girl run past here, (h/c) hair, real slutty looking?" Henry asked.
"N-n-no" I lied.
I saw him eye Eddies inhaler before glaring down at me.
"You better not be lying to me freak, or something might happen to your friends inhaler here" he smirked, before walking away (I changed things up a bit)
I nodded slightly. As soon as Bowers walked away the girl who ran past us approached us.
"I-is he guh-gone?" She asked.
I realized she had a stutter. She had a stutter. Just like me.
Readers POV
I clenched my eyes shut, realizing he would make fun of my stutter.
"Yuh-y-yes" the boy replied.
I realized he had a stutter. He had a stutter. Just like me (see what I did there? 😉)
"I'm (y/n) (y/l/n) I replied.
"Bill, Bill Denbrough" he replied, this time not stuttering.
I smiled at him. This was going to be a fun summer.
I know, I know this was long but yeah...

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