Richie (2017) x reader

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I lit my cigarette as I started walking home from school when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I whipped around to see Henry Bowers. Ugh.
"Hey hot stuff" he smirked.
"Oh, go suck your grandpa Bowers" I growled.
Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him.
"Get the Fuck off" I yelled.
"Not until we have a little fun" he smiled grimly.
"Hey get the Fuck off of her asshole!" Yelled none other than Richie Tozier.
  "Im just asking for a little fun tozier" he smirked, loosening his grip on me enough for me to knee him in the balls and run over to Richie.
"Go ask your mother for some" Richie spat.
Henry got up and limped away for some reason not yelling his usual "I'll kill you all".
"Thanks Richie" I said, looking down at the shorter boy.
"Well what could I get in return?" He asked. 
I rolled my eyes and handed him my cigarette.
"You really are something, Tozier..."

I know this was short but there is drama I need to rant about

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