Beverly x Shakiya (requested)

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Requested by @nothing_and_done
"Beverly... I need to tell you something" confessed Shakiya.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I'm..." she hesitated "i'mpansexual" she said quickly.
"Can you say it a bit slower this time?" Asked Beverly.
"I'm um... I'm pansexual" Shakiya said, waiting for the insults full of hatred.
"Can I tell you something, too?" Asked Beverly.
Shakiya just nodded in reply.
"I am too"
"Really?" Shakiya asked.
Maybe, just maybe she likes me back she thought.
"And I like someone" Beverly confessed.
Shakiya's heart stopped. And there went her chance of being with the love of her life.
"Well, who is it?" She asked of curiosity.
"I'll give you a clue" Beverly smirked "the person has glasses"
"Richie?" Shakiya questioned.
Beverly shook her head.
"The Person has black hair and the most beautiful eyes" Beverly sighed, seeming to be caught in a daydream.
"Just tell me who it is" Shakiya said, cluelessly.
"Oh just kiss me already!" Beverly said, crashing her lips into Shakiya's.

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