Eddie x reader

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Me and Eddie sat at the barrens just roasting random people at our school eddie's such a savage when suddenly i felt my stomach churn. Oh no, that can only mean one thing. It was that time of the month 🇯🇵.
"Oh shit" I cursed, standing up to see my skirt covered in blood.
I quickly sat back down, not wanting Eddie to see.
"What's wrong, (y/n)?" Eddie asked.
"Um, it's uh... it's that time of the month" I replied, shit.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Eddie asked innocently.
Oh god. I'm going to scar this poor kid.
"Eddie..." I sighed "every month, Satan decides to visit me and make me bleed"
"I don't understa-" Eddie was cut off my Bill just randomly jumping out of the bushes like Naruto.
"Eddie I don't wanna ruin your innocent mind but (Y/N) IS ON HER PERIOD WHICH MEANS SHES BLEEDING OUT HER VAGINA"
One hour later
Eddie rocked back and forth, his eyes never leaving the ground. And I had scarred the kid...
"You okay, Eddie?" I asked.
He didn't reply, just shook his head silently. We sat there for a good twenty minutes before the silence was broken.
"How do you stop the... ya know... blood?" Eddie gulped.
"You use a tampon, Eddie" I replied.
"What's a tampon?" He asked.
"You don't wanna know" I simply replied, not wanting to corrupt his smol bean brain any further

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