Suicide attempt (Beverly)

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I downed the pills, feeling drowsy instantly. I heard a light knock on my door and looked up to see the blurry image of a girl. Then everything went dark.
_ _ _
"She's slipped into a coma" I heard someone say.
"Whu-w-what?" I heard the farmiliar voice of Bill.
"This isn't real..." I heard Beverly mutter.
Beverly? That sweet voice. I tried to move but couldn't.
"C-can I sit with her (or he 😂) alone?" Beverly asked.
"Sure" the doctor replied.
I could hear the shuffling feet of the losers club and the door shut.
"(Y/n" Beverly started "I don't know if you can um hear me but I love you more than anything"
"Please wake up" she cried, lying her hand on mine.
I tried my hardest and felt my finger twitch. Then my hand, Then my leg. I shot up from the bed to see Beverly. She still had the same long auburn hair, bright blue eyes and braided pigtails.
I jumped into her arms. Suddenly the whole Losers club hustled in and attacked me with hugs. I looked into Beverly's blue-green eyes and smashed my lips against hers.
"Ooohhh" the Losers club cooed.
"Oh, shut up" I rolled my eyes.
I put absolutely no effort into this at all 🤗 but y'all are used to that, I'm sure

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