Eddie x reader

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Requested by @-JassmineLestrange
"I'll beat ya to the barrens, Eddie spaghetti" I said, running.
"Wait up (y/n), and don't call me Eddie Spaghetti!" Eddie yelled cutely.
I continued to run until I realized Eddie wasn't too close behind. I looked behind me to see he was on the ground, struggling to breath. I quickly rushed over to him.
"Eddie!" I cried, kneeling down by him.
"My inhaler... is.... out" he wheezed.
I panicked not knowing what to do, so I smashed my lips against his breathing air into his mouth. I soon realized he was kissing back and pulled away. He was smiling.
"Oh, you little" I giggled "you faked it!"
Eddie just smirked.
Before I could scold him above 'how much he scared me' and such the whole"Losers Club" ran out of the bushes laughing theirs heads off.
"(Y/n and Eddie sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s-I-n-g" they all sang, making smooching noises.
Aww, fluff. I actually made something cute and non-depressing!

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