Richie x reader

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I looked in the school bathroom mirror.
"I am so ugly" I cried, gripping the sink.
This is why he doesn't like you, this is why your friends hate you, this is why your life is terrible, your fat and ugly, just kill yourself you dirty whore!
I let out a sob, letting my (h/c) hair fall in front of my teary (e/c) eyes when suddenly I heard a voice.
"Stop it (y/n), your r not ugly"
I turned around to see Richie Tozier. My crush of three years who never seemed to even glance my way.
"W-what?" I asked.
"C'mon now your turning into bill" I cracked a smile "doll, your the prettiest girl here" he said, wrapping his arm around me.
"Your just saying that" I replied, coldly.
Richie looked at my with hurt eyes and said in a serious tone (y/n) your gorgeous"

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