Stan x reader

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Requested by Ghostkitty11
"C'mon Stanny, this is so boring I whined.
Stan didn't reply he just intertwined his fingers with mine. We continued walking until we got to some sort of meadow.
"This is my favorite spot" Stan said.
I heard a bird chirp causing Stan to pull out his binoculars and search.
"It was a cardinal" I heard him mutter.
"I love cardinals" I replied.
"I love you" Stan blurted out.
I saw his cheeks redden at his sudden outburst but quickly tacked him to the ground in a swift movement. We both lied in the grass, laughing our asses off.
I looked into his hazel green eyes. I loved his eyes. They were beautiful. The way there were small specks of brown pooling into his forest green orbs.
Before I realized what I had even done my lips were on his and his hands were roaming my body, not in a Henry Bowers type of way but a hot way... a way that turned me on slightly.
He rolled on top of me and deepened the kiss. As we pulled away for air I could hear his deep breathing.
"Now I love bird watching" I giggled.
"I knew I could convince you somehow, (y/n)" Stan smirked.
Fluff? Smut? Idek at this point.

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