Bill x reader

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Hey guys this was requested by a bunch of ppl so yeah ❤️

Ding ding

I heard the telephone ring and went to answer it.
"Hey, its bill"
"Oh um... hey bill"
"Have you suh-seen Guh-g-Georgie"
"No have you seen Jamie (imaginary sister, go with it)"
"Come over"
"Ok I'll be there soon"
I put the phone down and waited. About five seconds later Bill came to the door.
"Let's go look for them" I said
We were looking for Georgie and Jamie everywhere but couldn't find them anywhere.
"Maybe he wuh-went buh-b-back home"
Suddenly we heard police sirens and saw the flashing of blue and red lights. Me and Bill frantically ran to the source to see Georgie's body lying there, armless along with my sisters shoe stuck in sewer drain.
I felt the tears coming and hugged bill as tight as I could tears wrapped around my face. He held back tightly, sobbing into my shoulder.
"I love you bill" I cried into his shoulder.
I felt him shaking in my arms as he sobbed "I love you too (y/n)" without a single stutter.
We just stood there crying our eyes out hugging each other like the world was ending

Aw 😢

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