Richie (2017) x reader

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Hey guys I know I usually do the old characters but I made an exception (don't worry I'm still doing the it 1990 fanfics)

I was walking home, assuming I was gonna just walk home like any other day when suddenly I felt my hair being yanked as I was dragged over to the side of the street.
Shut. Henry bowers. After what Henry Bowers did to me in 6th grade I couldn't even look at him without having a panic attack. I thought he had forgotten about me since he hasn't bothered me in two years but I guess not.
"Let me go!" I cried.
"Whatcha gonna do dolly? We had fun last time" he smirked.
"I fucking hate you!" I screamed, struggling against him.
"You know you liked it" he growled, resting his hand on my bare stomach.
I felt tears burn my eyes as I remembered my life motto. Kick em in the balls. So that's what I did...
I felt my body roll down the giant hill leading to the barrens.
"Your dead slut!"
I didn't waste any time to run away as fast as I could. Maybe the losers were here. They were my friends even though I wasn't considered a member of the "losers club".
I felt blood drip down the side of my head from where I hit it on a rock. I continued running till I reached the barrens and collapsed.
"Shit" I heard Stan curse.
"Hey, that's (y/n)!" Richie said.
  I groaned, trying to stand up.
"What happened to you?" Eddie  asked.
"Henry Bowers happened" I groaned.
Richie was the only one that knows that Henry raped me. As soon as he heard Henry's name his eyes widened. I just shook my head.
"I think I broke my fucking arm" I sighed, looking down at my unusually twisted arm.
"It must hurt..." Richie said awkwardly.
"Well no shit Sherlock!" I yelled, causing everyone to giggle as Richie and I blushed, lost in each other's eyes.

Yeah this was terrible idek wtf this was but yeah

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