Life is a Full Moon

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Hi Im Anna-Grace Mcallister (has brown straight hair, tall, muscular, and pretty.) I am 13 years old and am currently attending Princeton Academy. It's a private school, you could say our family is.... Rich. We have a 3 story house, 5 cars, 3 of which are porsches. And the other 2 are convertible mustangs. The pink one will be mine when i am 15! I cant wait!!!

Hi, I am Mark Johnson. I am 14 I attend Princeton Academy. My family is not rich, but not poor, we are right in the middle. I have a 2 story house, and 3 cars. One is my dads, one is my sisters, and the last is a family car, that my mom mainly uses.


"Anna-Grace, lets go you don't want to be late for your last day of school!" Anna's mom says through the intercom.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." Anna responds. She tramples down the stairs.

"Anna-Grace fix your hair it looks like a rats nest!" Her mom comments. She runs her fingers through her hair.

"There, they're here! Bye mom see you after school" Anna says running out the door.

"COURTNEY!!!!!" She screams as she runs down the driveway to Courtney's car.They shriek when they see each other.


"Alright mom, i have to go to catch the bus." He says to his mom.

"Bye honey" his mom kisses his head and they hug. He walks outside to the bus stop.

"Yo Mark!" Yells one of Marks friend.

"Justin! Whats-up?" Mark responds.

They do their handshake.

"Dude did you get to lacrosse practice yesterday? I didn't see you." Justin asks.

"Nah, I had some family business" Mark responds.

"Oh... Wow! Look at her! In that car, the blonde" Justin comments almost drooling as a car with to pretty girls pull up to the stop sign. Mark looks up.

"Yeah shes pretty" Mark responds looking at the girl with the brown hair. The girls get out of the car and walks to the bus stop. The girls start talking and laughing.

"Should i go talk to her? Ya I'm going to go talk to her" Justin says confidently. Then 2 big football players walk up to the two girls and talk to them.

"Sorry dude" Mark says and pats Justin on the back.


"Haha! Lol so funny Courts!" Anna says giggling. They laugh together.

"Hey Anna-Grace" A boy says.

"Hi Jake!" Anna says to Jake.

"Ya just say hi to her, not me" Courtney says sadly, she crosses her arms.

"Oh, hi Courtney... Sorry" Jake says embarrassed.

"Anna i will see you at school I'm gonna go talk to Matthew!" Courtney says excitedly, as she runs to see her boyfriend.

"It seems like everyone is dating now a days..." Anna says suspiciously. Jake nods in agreement.

"What did you get on your math exam?" Jake asks.

" Oh a 98, how about you?" She responds

" Oh.... I got a umm" jake stutters

" A? A what??" She asks

"100!!!!" He says proudly.

"Nice, looks like the bus is here." Anna states as the bus pulls up. They say bye and jake goes over to his younger brother to sit with on the bus. Anna always sits by herself or some weird guy on the bus, because Courtney and Matthew always sit together and so does Jake and his little brother.

Life is a Full MoonWhere stories live. Discover now