part 4

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}*********{    (Anna's POV)

"Anna, my mom says we can go see him if you want" Ashley says nicely. I nod slowly, tears still rolling down my face.

"It might help if-if i see him" I choke out.

"Ok, we will all go, Me, Ashley, Matt, You and Jordan" Courtney adds.


"Room 317 B its on the third floor sweetie" The lady at the desk said, i ran to the elevator and pressed the button and it wasn't coming down.

"Its not working!" I said angrily. I dipped my head and started to cry again. When the rest of them caught up, they walked up the stairs to the second floor.

"310.........315......317!!!!" I yelled to the others when i found the room. I knocked on the door and the doctor said "Come In". I walked in I see Blake on the bed with one of those tube things attached to his arm. I cover my mouth and gasp.

"He is recovering, no serious damage" The doctor said leaving the room.

"Blake...." I walk over with my hand still covering my mouth " Oh Blake, this is all my fault! I shouldn't have asked you to come!" I start to cry again.

"Come here" He says quietly. I walk over slowly. He held out his arms, and hugged me and whispered 

"It wasn't your fault"  I just nod and keep hugging hims. I get up and he starts to fall asleep. I sit in the chair next to his bed and held his hand. Until i drifted into sleep.


Though i am still a sleep i can hear whats going on around me. I heard the door open and i open my eyes slightly but not so far its visible. Courtney walks in holding hands with Matt, and Ashley walks in holding hands with Jordan.... WAIT WHAAATTTTT! I wake up and fake a yawn.

"Oh hey guys" I say tiredly.

"Hey, hows he doing?" Courtney asked

"Good, no serious damage" I glance over at him, he is still fast a sleep, AND still holding my hand. My stomach growls loudly. I blush in embarrassment. 

"Someone's hungry" Ashley stated, i nod.

"Lets get some food" Matt suggests. We all nod. I unravel my fingers from Blake's slowly so i didn't disturb him. We walk out of the room and close the door. 

"Well that was interesting!" Matt jokes. We laugh.

"SOOOO what is on the menu? AH that looks good 'homemade meatloaf' more like homemade pig food" Courtney mutters, We crack up. I glance over at Ashley and they are STILL holding hands.... hmmmm.....

"Ohhhh Ashley, care to tell me anything?" I say gesturing toward them holding hands.

"OHHH YA! Me and Jordan met when you passed out on the chair, and we are alike, and we like each other" Ashley says looking at Jordan.

"I am just getting Lucky Charms" I say admiring the cereal boxes.

"Ok.... you go get your lucky charms at 1 a.m. in the morning, instead of drooling over them" Courtney laughs. I get up out of my chair grab a tray elbow my way through the crowd and grab the last Lucky Charms, a Milk, and Cheerios (For Blake). I walk back to my table laughing at something.

"What?!" I say suddenly scared.

"You look like a zombie" Courtney blurts out. 

"Well, sorry for having a break down and having to sleep on a chair" I say defensively. They all shut up and stare, and Courtney smiles. I put my tray down and flatten my hair at the awkward silence. Then i feel to arms wrap around my waist i spaz out. I turn around to see Blake laughing.

"BLAKE! But you were- uh- im confused" I stutter. I study his face.

"I am better now, see?" He says he holds is arms out and looks down at his feet and back up at me. i smile.

"Yes-yes i see that!" I laugh in happiness. I squeeze him one more time to make sure i wasn't going crazy. I look at his face. I bring my hand up to his face and acedentally touch one of his scabbed cuts, and he flinches.

"oops sorry!" I say pulling my hand away and looking down.

"It's ok, I wasn't excepting it that's all." He states. He weaves his fingers in mine.I get up on my toes and kisses him on the cheek.


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