part 3

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}******{ (Anna's POV)

"Honey, Ashley asked if you and Courtney wanted to go over to her house in 20min for a sleepover, what do you want me to say?" My mom asked thru the intercom.

"i will handle it mom thanks for asking though" I replied. "Now where is my phone??" I say to myself fanatically. Like scheduled, my phone goes off. Its on my bed. I run across the bed and pick it up. UNKNOWN NUMBER. it read, but i answered it anyway. When i answered it there was no one there..... Butt-call. i said in my head. That was one of those moments where your phone is across the room, and your run really fast and jump to it like your in a action movie when it ends up being nobody..... I scroll through my contacts to Ashley's number and i texted her saying

i will be there in a few :) :). 

I run around the room picking up everything i need and stuff it into my dance bag. I go into my bathroom at look at what im wearing... PJs..... So i grab shorts, a cropped Super Man t-shirt, and my vans. Better. I throw my hair up in a messy bun, put on some eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. Great. I run downstairs, with my dance bag in one hand and my phone in the other.

"BYE MOM SEE YOU TOMORROW!" I scream running into the garage. I grab my penny board. I strap my bag across my back and push off. Luckily Ashley's house is just down the road. I get there in like 5 minutes. I run up to the front door and knock. The first thing i hear is Ashley's black lab barking. Sid. I laughThen i see through the window Ashley running toward the door. She swings it open holding Sid back with her other arm. I walk in and close the door behind me.

"Hi Sid, Hiiiii Sid WHO's a good boy? who's a good boy??" I say in a baby voice while petting Sid on his head. I hear the door open.

"IT IS I THE AMAZING COURTNEY" Courtney says walking in. We all laugh.

"Hey Ashley" Courtney and I say at the same time.

"Herro" She says back.

"So i was thinking, we get some pizza, then go out for ice cream, then go to the barn and ride, then go NIGHT SWIMMING" Ashley says excitedly. Courtney and i look at each other and laugh.

"I am in!" I say. Courtney nods. We all walk into Ashleys room and lay our bags on her huge purple bed.

"So.... how is BLAKKKEEE????" Ashley and Courtney asks at the same time.

"I feel like ya'll planned to say that" I laugh. 

"Yup" Ashley says.

"And he is fine" I say. My phone goes off. I look at the screen. 

"GUYS, BLAKE WANTS TO FACE TIME" I shriek. We all jump up and down.

"WELL ANSWER IT!!" Ashley says tapping on her head. "DUUHHH"

"Oh ya!" I laugh. I hit the answer button and his face pops up.

"Yo" He says. Courtney shrieks and takes my phone and starts talking about how i like him soooo much.

"COURTNEY" I laugh, and run toward her and grab my phone.

"um ok?" He says. I look down at the screen and i see Ashley behind me doing funny faces. I turn around and she does a serious face, then cracks up. I cant help it but laugh.

"So Blake we are going out for ice cream later wanna come?" Ashley asks for me.

"Sure, i will be a little late i have to tuck her in bed. i am watching her right now." He says turning the screen to a 4 year old watching Dora. 

"AW SHES SO CUTE!!" We all say synchronized.

"Ya... that's what she wants you to think..... well i will see you later i have to tuck the little moster in" He says, we all say bye and hang up.

"Can i invite Matt?" Courtney pleads. Me and Ashley nod.


"I would like peanut butter chocolate, with hot fudge on the top" I ask the guy that works here. I walk to the cast register and pay for my ice cream. Ashley and Courtney order. We grab a table next to the window. Then Matt and a guy we didn't recognize walk in together laughing. We motion him over here. Courtney gets up and hugs him, he pulls 2 seats over for him and his friend. Matt is sitting next to Courtney, next to Matt is his friend, next to his friend is Ashley, next to Ashley is me, and next to me is an empty seat for Blake. Courtney says something quietly for only Matt to hear and he nods.

"This is Jordan, he is my neighbor" Matt introduces him.

"Hi" Jordan says awkwardly. Ashley keeps staring at him. I gently tap her in the shin with my leg and motion stop to her. She looks away and blushes.

"This is Courtney, my girlfriend, this is Anna, and this is Ashley" Matt introduces us.

"Is that the Anna you were talking to me about? the one thats dating a 9th grader?" Will says trying to be quiet but was still loud enough for what i could hear. I look down at my hands in my lap. I eat some of my ice cream. I hear the door bell jingle i look up. I almost didn't recognize who it was. He was wearing a white hoodie with what look like blood stains, and had cuts on his face.

"BLAKE" I gasp and run up to him. "W-What happened???" 

"W-W-W-wolf a-a-attack" He says "But I'm fine, i  beat him up" He keeps swaying. I walk him over to the table and everyone is quiet, and just staring at him.

"STOP STARING GET UP AND HELP HIM!" I scream everyone gets up and starts helping him. My heart rate starts going up. 

"ICE AND TOWEL PLEASE!" I ask the cashier frantically. She dashing in the back room and brings back towels and ice. I put the ice to his head, and wipe off the dried blood. Ashley brings up bandages and hands them to me. I cover up the cuts on his face with them. I felt a warm tear run down my face. He closes his eyes. And his breathing slows down.

"Call 9-1-1 someone" I say scared.

"They are already coming" Jordan says putting up his phone.

The ambulance run through the door and put him on a stretcher and put him in the back of the car. I try to get in with him but they wont let me. I start to scream and cry like a little girl. 

"PLEASE! please......" I scream at the car as it drives away with flashing lights and sirens. I sit down on the curb and put my hands to my face. I feel two hands on my back i look up. I cant hear anything except buzzing. I see Ashley and Courtney say something like he is going to be OK. The only thing i can do is shake my head and continue to cry.

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