Part 18

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Tears roll down my face as i hug him.

"I thought you were dead" I choked out.

"I thought so to..." He said hugging me tightly. I help him up, and give him a big kiss.

"Are you ok?" He asks nicely. He is never selfish. I nod.

"Are you???" I ask looking up and down his body.

"My knee hurts, but that's all" He said. I helped him walk to my house. I lay him on out couch, and get him a ice pack, ,my mom is at work. I come back, and sit on the edge of the couch and hold the ice pack on his knee. He smiles at me and i return a smile. He lays his head on the edge of the couch and falls asleep. I grab some medical tape, and push his jeans up over his knee, then tape the ice pack to his knee. I shrug. Best I could do. I turn on the T.V and turn it down. I lay down on my side and lay my head on Blake's shoulder. I drift into sleep.


I am walking, i don't know where, but yet i know where. I am in the woods, i see a log cabin up ahead. When i reach the log cabin, i opened the door slowly. I feel two arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground and spin me in a circle, then place me down and kiss me on the cheek. Its Blake.

"Your it" He says turning and running away. I am running fast, really fast catching up to him. I reach out my hand and touch his back, turn around and bolt. I run to the log cabin, open the door and shut it. I look around. I know this place.... I run down the hallway and in the bedroom on the right, i hide under the covers in the bed. I hear the front door close. I hear footsteps getting louder and louder. I know it's Blake, i can smell his cologne. I hear Blake, walking to the bed.

"Oh where, oh where, can my beautiful Anna be?" He asks out-loud. I giggle quietly. I feel the bed being pressed down by Blake climbing on it. I hear two thuds hit the floor. His shoes. I feel him over me, his left leg and arm on my right-side and his right leg and arm on my left-side. He pulls the cover off my face.

"Found you" He says, grinning.

"I haven't been tagged" I pointed out. He leans down and kisses me on my neck. Warmness fills my body. I smile. He kisses my chin. I am blushing. He kisses my lips, pulls away for a second to smile, then kisses me softly. I run my finger threw his hair, and kiss him.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you more"

~~~~~~~~ End Of Dream~~~~~~~~~

I open my eyes. I glance over at Blake and he is passed out. I laugh. I take of the medical tape, and his knee is bruised. Ouch. I start getting up but he grabs me, which scares the crap out of me, and pulls me on top of him. I roll my eyes.

"I thought you were passed out" I joked. He laughed. My chest and his chest are pushed together. I smile at him and nip at his lips. He try's for more but i pull away, smiling.

"Stop bribing me" He joked. I smiled and shook my head.

"Well i guess we have to do things the hard way then" He says cocking his head sideways smiling. He puts his hands on my neck and pulls me towards him, and he kisses me, biting my lip every once in a while. I pull back to breath. He raises his eye-brows. I hear his stomach growl.

"Hungry?" I ask.

"For more" He says starting to kiss me again. I put my hand on his chest. He does a 'frowny' face. I roll my eyes, kiss him one more time and get up.

"Turkey and mayo" He says as i walk to the kitchen.

"Manners?!" I yell ask.

"Pllleeeeaaaassseeee" He adds.

"Fine." I say continuing to the kitchen. I pull out the turkey and mayo and bread.


"I will get it!" Blake yells getting up and walking to the door. I follow him with my butter knife covered in mayo, not knowing i was still holding it. It was Courtney.

"Hey An- oh.... did i interrupt something?" She asks looking at Blake. I push infront of him.

"No, i was making a turkey and mayo sandwich for princess here." I said motioning to Blake. She giggles at this.

"I will come back later" She says walking off before i could say anything.

"Ah- Ok! Bye!!" I scream. She keeps walking while waving good-bye.

"Now where's my sandwich?" Blake asks jokingly.

"You make it Mr. I got no manners" I said handing him the knife. He looks down at it, and sighs. He walks to the kitchen.

"I thought i was princess" He mumbles. I roll my eyes. He walks back in the living room and sits next to me holding his sandwich.

"Hey! LOOK AT THAT!" I say pointing out the window. He turns and looks i take a bite out of his sandwich he turns back around.

"Hey! You tricked me!!" He laughs. I just continue chewing while smiling.

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