part 2

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"Ok lets go" Blake says walking out the french doors. They stop at the patio and sit on chairs. "The sun should be going down any moment" Blake states. Anna shivers, Blake notices.                               "Do you want a jacket Anna-Grace?" Blake asks. She nods slowly. He takes off his jacket and hands it to her.                                                                                                                                                                      "Thanks Blake and call me Anna please" Anna laughs.                                                                                    "I'm thirsty, are you thirsty? ok i will get us some pop, you like pop right?" Blake asks to fast for Anna to respond, he runs inside,                                                                                                                                         "What the heck is pop?" Anna asks outloud.                                                                                                        "Pop is another word for coke, used in the north" Ashley says appearing out of nowhere.                      "Gosh Ashley! I thought i was alone! And thanks" Anna laughs.                                                                        "No promblem Anna, this is a cool party right??" Ashley asks excitedly and continues "I haven't been to the beach in FOREVER" Just then Blake walks out with two cans of Coke. Anna looks up at Ashley.      "Ohhhhhh I get it! He is your date!!!" Ashley giggles "Well if you excuse me, i think i heard Courtny call my name....hehe... BYE" She runs off. Anna laughs.          

"Who was that?" Blake asks while handing her coke.

"One of my crazy friends" She laughs.

"Oh, shes cute" Blake says. Anna's mouth drops to the floor.


"Oh, HA .... HA im laughing SOOOOOO hard" Anna says sarcasticly still alittle hurt.

"OH look!" Blake points to the horizion line. "The sun is going down"

"Its so pretty!" Anna shriecks. Everyone down at the beach stop and look at the sunset. She spots Ashley, the only one still moving, running around and screaming. She looks behind her to see 5 little kids chasing her. She cracks up.

}*********{ (Anna POV)

I can't stop laughing until i feel something wet and sticky go down my arm, i look down.

"DARN IT I SPILT MY COKE!" I scream. I look over at Blake laughing at me.

"I will go get my mom she will clean you up" He laughs walking inside.

 Great, just great. I say to myself. I sigh, and Mark walks up the steps to the porch.

"Anna i just wanted to say, you got alittle coke on your arm" He laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Thanks, i didnt notice Captian Obvious" I say.

 "I got you a towel, my mom is- what are you doing here at my party?" Blake says noticing Mark.

"Moon" Mark snarls.

"Pup" Blake says with a tone in his voice i have never heard him use before.

"Guys, GUYS" I break it up.

"Seriously! He is here becuase you invited EVERYONE remeber??" I say. Blake takes a deep breath and calms down. "There we go"

"I should get going, its getting late" Mark says and starts walking inside bumping into Blake with force.

"Watch it pup, or next time you won't have anything to watch"      Blake snorts. Mark makes a sound like a growl. And leaves.   I give Blake a 'what-the-heck just happened' look, and he shook his head.                                                                         

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