Chapter 27

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Isabella's POV:

School.... Actually wasn't bad. I made several new friends too! And they all know about my past which made them love me even more. I even think Joshua is a little jealous... But don't tell him that.

"So, did you make any new friends today?" Mum asked from the drivers seat.

"Yep! Three actually. Carrie, Xenia and Kimberly." I smiled remembering earlier that day when me and Xenia first met.


I walked down the hallway, trying to find my English class when I saw a bunch of girls surrounding another.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I called out, all of them looked at me then bolted. I approached the girl who was picking up her stuff off the floor and bent down to help her.

"Thanks, they always make fun of me for my height. I mean, who wouldn't. I'm a tenth grader who's only 5'0."

"Trust me, I know what it feels like to get teased and bullied." I picked up the remaining books and handed the to the girl.

"How?! You're beautiful!" She took the books and stood up. I laughed a bit before shaking my head.

"The prettiest people always have something ugly in them." I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "I'm Isabella-"

"I know, you're kind of popular around here. I'm Xenia." She gave me a smile which I returned with a confused look. "Dating Joshua, that kind of thing. Ya did know Joshua was like insanely popular before he left right?"

"Uh, no! I'm going to kick his butt. He knows how much I hate big crowds... Which is weird considering my family..." I trailed off only to be given a squeal by Xenia.

"That's right! You're the daughter of Perrie and Zayn Malik!" She said excitedly. "Stupid me for not realizing that!" She face palmed and I laughed.

"Most people wouldn't, since I'm adopted. But yes, yes I am." I smiled as I realized Xenia wasn't a full on fan girl. She shifted her books to one arm and held out a hand.

"Well, welcome to high school. The place where 10's and 11's are ignored for being the middle years."


"That's amazing sweetie! What's that on your hand?" I looked at mum and chuckled.

"A promise ring Joshua gave me." The car slammed to a stop and I jolted forward. "MUM!" It was a good thing no one was around because that would've caused a crash.

"A promise ring?! Let me see!!" She grabbed my hand and examined the ring. "This is so adorable! Awe my baby!" Mum pulled me into a hug and I laughed. "I'm nearly 25, have two 15 year old daughters and a 3 year old! I feel old already!"

"Mum..." I said laughing as she examined her brown locks for grey hair. She died her hair back to brown, and it looks amazing. "You're 25, not 50!" I giggled.

"Okay, I guess you're right." She started driving again but still checked her hair every so often.

~Later that night~

I walked up the sidewalk towards Auntie Eleanor and Uncle Louis' house. Ringing the doorbell I heard the screaming laughs of a toddler who I assumed as Aubrey. The front door opened moments later and Auntie El stood before me.

"Isabella!!" She pulled me into a hug, before pulling me inside. "Lou! Bring Aubrey down in here!" I looked around, they sure had a nice home. I haven't been to their house yet because they always came over to ours or Uncle Liam's.

"Mummy!!" Aubrey came running into the room and I couldn't help it.

"Awe!" Aubrey stopped when she saw me.

"Mummy who's dat?" Aubrey pointed at me and clung onto Aunt El's leg.

"That's your big cousin Isabella, she's gonna play with you tonight!" Auntie El picked up Aubrey and gave her a hug and kiss.

"No kiss! No!" Aubrey pulled her head away and reached out for me. I laughed and picked her up out of Aunt El's arms. She laughed and gave me a hug.

"Aubrey's bedtime is at 8:00, and if you don't mind giving her a bath that would be wonderful! Call me or Lou if anything happens okay?" I nodded as Auntie El put on her jacket and boots. Uncle Louis came jogging down the stairs and looked over at me.

"Izzy!" Uncle Louis ran over and hugged the life out of me and Aubrey.

"Hey Uncle Lou. Have fun tonight, but not too much fun." I said eying auntie El who burst out laughing.

"Honey, I think the funnest thing Lou will do is knock over a deli table. On purpose." Auntie El grabbed Lou's arm and pushed him out the door. "We'll be back in a few hours!" The front door closed and I locked it behind them. I placed Aubrey on the floor and she ran over to a pile of blocks.

"Play!" She exclaimed, patting a spot next to her.

"Ok sweetie!" I walked over and sat down. "Want to build a castle?" Aubrey looked at me and nodded.

~1 hour later~

"Hey Aubrey! Let's give you a bath now okay? Then we can watch a movie?" I stood up and looked at the block castle, Aubrey and I built.

"Bubba bath!" Aubrey got up and ran for the stairs. I laughed and followed behind her. I began running the water while Aubrey threw some toys in the tub. I poured some bubble bath into the tub and heard Aubrey giggle from beside me.

"Ready Aubrey?" I helped her take her clothes off and placed her in the tub. She giggled and splashed while I washed her hair. She grabbed the soap from me and began washing herself. The minute I got Aubrey out of the tub she bolted out of the room and down the stairs. "Aubrey!" I grabbed a towel and ran down the stairs after her. She was running in circles around the couch, leaving wet footprints on the carpet.

"Abella! Abella!" She yelled while running up to me. I wrapped the towel around her and picked her up.

"You silly girl, we gotta dry you off!" I said tickling her side.

"No tickles!" She squealed.

"Okay, okay." I walked into Aubrey's room and grabbed her diaper and footie pyjamas. After getting Aubrey dressed I brought her downstairs and started searching through the movies.

"This one!" Aubrey ran over and pointed at a movie on Netflix.

"Good choice sweetie!" I clicked play and sat down on the couch with Aubrey snuggled into my side. This movie never gets old.

A/N: I'm looking for a new character, either girl or boy doesn't matter! Has to be in Isabella's age range. I need Name, Age, Description and how they met. Send it by inbox and whoever comes up with the neatest character gets the next chapter dedicated to them!


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