Chapter 33

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A/N: I'm keeping the POV name for Isabella as is. I'm afraid you guys will forget and wonder..


I will change it eventually, but I need feedback!

Isabella's POV:

I stood in front of everyone in the living room. I invited all my friends over so I could tell them the news. I know it's going to be really emotional.. Mum's been crying non stop, same with Ruby.

"So what did you call us here for again?" Carrie shouted while drinking her Starbucks.

"It's bad isn't it?" Brianna asked, crossing her one leg over the other.

"No, I mean yes. Kind of." I frowned and looked away.

"Get on with it girl!" Xenia shouted from in front of me. I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"I'm moving back to Canada." I blurted out.

"WHAT!? HOW?! WHY?! WHE-" Kimberly slapped her hand over Carrie's mouth and sighed.

"How come?" Kimberly asked, holding her grip on Carrie's mouth. Carrie bit Kimberly's hand and she pulled it away.

"My real family lives there. I was kidnapped from the hospital when I was born.. And there is some things I haven't exactly told you girls. Which I suppose now is a good time to." Everyone stared at me with wide eyes as I continued. "I'm a cancer survivor, I've had it 2 times. And I'm leaving London tomorrow."

"Aweeeeh! My Izzaboo is leaving!" Xenia ran over and clung to my leg like a little kid.

"We're gonna miss you!" Carrie ran over, followed by Kimberly and Brianna.

"I'm gonna miss you girls too! You're my first actual group of friends. Too bad Autumn couldn't be here..." I stood awkwardly in the middle of all us girls as they continued to hug me. A car horn was what broke us apart as Kimberly frowned.

"My mum is waiting. I'll try and come tomorrow, alright?" A year slid down her cheek as she wrapped her arms around me again. "Love you Izzy. Take care."

"Love you too Kim, thanks for being there." I hugged her back and watched as she walked out the door.

"Ugh all this sadness is making me hungry! Anyone else leaving soon? I wanna go to Nando's!" Carrie complained, finishing off her cup of Starbucks.

"Nope I don't think so. I'll ask my dad to drive us-" I was cut off by the familiar Irish accent.

"Who's going to Nando's?! I'll drive!" Uncle Niall ran passed us and out the door. We all exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

"Let's go!" Xenia skipped out the front door and I hung back with Brianna.

"I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but you're still one of my best friends. You don't care what any of us say, as long as we're there for you. We always will be." Brianna gave me a side hug and pulled something out of her pocket. "I made all the girls one, you're the first to get yours." She handed me a bracelet with 6 charms on it. "Each one represents one of us girls. That one is yours." Brianna pointed to a music note and I smiled.

"Thank you Brianna." I said, as w,e piled into the van with the rest of the girls and uncle Niall.

"So there's a new Nando's that just opened-" Uncle Niall started to announce but Carrie cut him off.

"Don't announce! Just drive!" She yelled, rubbing her stomach. Uncle Niall looked at his phone and smiled.

"Allana is going to meet us there if that's all right." We all exchanged glances before screaming in unison.

"ALLANA!" We burst out laughing and stayed like that until we got to Nando's.

~later that night~

I plopped down on the couch and sighed. "I'm soooo tired!" And as if the world wanted me to get up... The doorbell rang. I trudged over to the door. "Joshua-" but before I could finish my sentence, Joshua was kissing me.

"Isabella, I love you so much. I can't live without you and I'm sorry I snapped. It's just a touchy subject and I had no right to be like that. I really want to be with you forever-" tears welled in my eyes as I cut him off.

"Joshua, I'm leaving London." If looks could kill I would be dead from guilt.

"W-what? Why?"

"I found my real family, back in Canada. And I have to go back. I leave tomorrow.." I looked down and placed my hands in my sweater pockets.

"When were you going to tell me?" Joshua asked, hurt in his voice.

"I don't know.. I thought it would be easier once I left. But it hurt me too much. I was going to stop by your house tomorrow before I left." I looked up at Joshua who was standing there, with the same look on the night I brought up his dad.

"Promise me you'll come back. And if you don't then I will come and find you." Joshua grabbed my hands and pulled me closer. "Because nothing can keep us apart." Joshua ran his hand through my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"I promise."


A/N: Thank you so much for 20k reads!! I cannot believe it! I love y'all so much and thanks for all the support!


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