Chapter 34

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Isabella's POV:

I laid on the couch with Hunter next to me. Dad came into the room and handed me my phone?

"I got it fixed and thought that you'd want it to text all your friends about you leaving." I got up and placed Hunter back on the couch.

"Thanks dad. For everything. I know we weren't really ever close, but you were still there. And that's what's the best. You opened up to me when mum took me in, even though you weren't ready. I remember the day before I got flown to London, I said to myself... So this is how it's going to be, I'm going to be bouncing back and forth between homes for the rest of my life. But here I am. Once again changing homes. But there's one difference. I stayed in this one for 5 years.." I stopped and put the phone down on the couch. "I love you dad." I wrapped my arms around him and he placed his arms around me.

"I love you to Isabella. More than you know." Dad placed his arms at his side before frowning. " I think you need to go see Ruby." I nodded and walked up the stairs. I knocked on her bedroom door, nothing. I turned the handle and found it unlocked. I looked around her room and found it a mess. My heart broke when I saw pictures smashed onto the ground. The bathroom door was open the slightest bit and I crept up to it. I pushed open the door and screamed.

"MUM! DAD!" I ran over to Ruby to see a puddle of blood on the ground. Deep gashes on her stomach showed and I broke out crying.

"Oh my god! Zayn call an ambulance!!" Mum came running into the room and knelt beside Ruby. I backed away in horror, tears still streaming down. No, no, no! This is all my fault! It's my fault that she did this! "Isabella, hand me that towel!" I looked at mum and back at the towel. Dad came running and stopped dead in his tracks with the phone up to his ear. He grabbed the towel and continued talking on the phone.

"S-She's got deep gashes on her stomach and barely breathing." Dad choked out, switching the phone to the other ear. I backed out of the room and stumbled out of the doorway. I did this! Ruby might die because of me! Why is my life so messed up?!

~6 hours later~

I rocked back and forth in my seat, with my knees to my chest. Everyone is in the waiting room, waiting to hear something. Mum and Dad haven't talked to me, and I haven't talked to anyone either.

"Isabella and Hunter Malik?" A doctor came into the room and I stood up. Hunter ran over and I picked him up, balancing him on my hip. We walked down the hall with the doctor and into a room. Mum stood next to the bed holding Ruby's hand, and dad was on the phone. The doctor closed the door and I sat down with Hunter. Ruby's eyes were closed and only the steady beeping and dad's talking were heard. "So the surgery went well as expected. But we had few complications to the medicine. So she's in quite the amount of pain. We are authorized to give pain killers but that's up to her parents." The doctor eyed mum and she nodded. She made no eye contact with me as I slowly made my way over to Ruby's bed.

"Will she be alright?" Mum asked, her voice barely audible.

"Alright is an understatement. She will be fine. But I do have one question. How did this happen?" The doctor pulled out a clipboard from the compartment at the end of the bed and started writing,

"Isabella was the one that found her. It might've been from stress." Dad placed his phone back in his pocket and walked over.

"Your Isabella right?" The doctor turned to me and I nodded. "Where did you find her?"

"I-In her bathroom." I said, looking down at the floor. Hunter wrapped his arms around my neck and laid his head on my shoulder.

"May I talk to you two in the hall?" The doctor gestured to mum and dad and they nodded. Once they left the room I walked over to Ruby's bed.

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