Chapter 1

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Re-done:7/22/18, 7:04 pm Art above is mine

Elias sighed from his hiding spot as the group of bullies ran past him. 'Thank goodness' He thought with a sigh. He quietly rose from his spot and quickly got away from there before they came back and saw him. Once he was a good distance away, He ran a hand through his white hair, lifting the bangs off of his orange right eye.  That's why he was picked on. He had his family's heterochromia eyes, which was unusual, because only the females in his family got them. His grandmother once said that he looked like their family's ancestor, Elizabeth Liones. Which was even more unusual, because he was a boy, not a girl, its why he had grown his bangs out and brushed them in front of it to keep it hidden, but when he was boarding, his bangs seemed to fly everywhere, revealing it. 

His grandmother had a gift of sight. Not many in the current era had magic anymore, and his grandmother's sight was to be taken with a grain of salt. It didn't always come true. When he was younger, his grandmother used to tell him that he would be a great hero one day, and that he would bring magic back to the world. He used to believe her, till his mother told him that the world had no need of heroes anymore. He sighed and shook his head, shaking away old memories.  He grabbed his skateboard and rode back home.

Once home, he dropped his skateboard by the front door and ran out back into the forest. He quickly made his way to the tree house that was about a 5 minute walk in, and 3 minutes running. He skid to a stop and quickly climbed up the rope ladder and into the tree house. He grabbed the old tattered notebook and plopped down onto the couch, but just as he got ready to read, a pair of hands covered his eyes. Elias felt excitement flutter in his stomach. "Reading that book again?" a male voice sang in his ear. Elias grinned, "Yes, Ban, I am. I actually enjoy reading, believe it or not." Elias retorted. The voice, now revealed to be Ban, chuckled, "I know that, but why the same stories over and over again?" he sang. "Cause I like reading about your exciting adventures with the other Sins, since I'll never get the chance to meet them." Ban shrugged, "I see your reasoning."He sang, before zeroing in on a rip in the paper and the leather on the back cover, "Hey, Eliaaaas, what's thaaat?" Ban sang, pointing out the rip. Elias turned the book over and opened the back cover to see what Ban was talking about. "Huh... Looks like something is hidden there." Elias mumbled, peeling the paper away more. He pulled the folded paper out and quickly read it, Ban reading it over his shoulder. "Shit! Ban! we need to get back to the house!" Elias exclaimed, grabbing the book and jumping out of the hole in the floor to the ground below, Ban not to far behind him. They hurriedly ran back to Elias' house, to warn his folks of the incoming threat. Elias burst into the house, Ban hot on his heals. "Mom! Dad! We need to call a family meeting! It's The demons! Their Trying to-" Elias shouted, before halting mid-speech at the sight of several men in his home, two of which were holding his parents. The one who appeared to be in charge, stood there, an imposing presence in the room, looking at them with a smug look on his face, "So, that's the brat whose supposed to bring us down and lead to our defeat? How amusing~" The man said. He was about 5'8 with fluffy white hair and glowing crimson eyes and pale skin.

 He was about 5'8 with fluffy white hair and glowing crimson eyes and pale skin

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