Chapter 11

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When Ban had caught the fleeing trio, their explanation as to why Elias now had matching eyes was...interesting. "So, your saying that a Gemini spirit was sent after Elias and split him in two? And you were hoping Merlin knew how to put the halves back together?" Ban summarized.  The trio nodded from their spot on the couch. Elias opened his mouth to comment, when a pop sounded and another portal opened up above them, Estarossa and another Elias fell through.  Meliodas and Zeldris twitched in irritation. Demon Elias reacted and nelt down to help his lighter half up, "Hey, didn't we agree it was safer for you to stay with Star until we figured this whole situation out?" Demon Elias asked, helping the other up. The goddess apostle half wore a white dress shirt with a purple tie, a pair of leather pants with a silver chain hanging from the belt loops, buckles around his wrists and a pair of white Adidas with black lines. His eyes both were orange goddess eyes. Ban blinked in shock before sighing, "Kit, you just can't help but get into trouble, can you?" He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Both Elias' laughed nervously. "We;;, cant refer to you both as Elias, so we need to come up with nicknames. Ra and Nyx. Ra was the Egyptian god of the sun and Nyx was the Greek personification of the night. Demon Elias is Nyx, and Apostle Elias, is Ra." Ban said, pointing at the two. "They've some how got the school fixed, so we head back next Monday. So, Merlin, can you fix this before next Monday? Or do we need a cover story?" Ban said, aiming that last part at the small magician. Merlin looked at the two halves, "Perhaps, but I'll need at least a day. Good for you its the weekend, huh?" She replied, a sadistic gleam in her eyes. Gowther finally spoke up, "Mael, it's good to see your doing well." Gowther said, watching Estarossa stand up. "I've taken to Estarossa, for this do over, Gowther." He replied. Gowther nodded, "I will make note of it." 

The newly dubbed Nyx and Ra were analyzed by Merlin. Ra tilted his head, "Wait, I thought you were taller and...more effeminate looking?" Ra asked innocently, remembering the journal. Merlin smiled, "I find it reduces suspicion when I adjust my appearance every once in a while. Though, since no one here knows who I am, I suppose it would be more beneficial to use my more mature self." She thought aloud to herself, before a poof of smoke enveloped her and she now stood in her adult form. Nyx sighed, "Us and our big mouth." Merlin ignored him and went back to analyzing the pair.

Meliodas and Zeldris both cornered Estarossa,who was sweating bullets, "Alright, Star, why are you and Ra here? I thought we had agreed that you'd keep him with you in the demon realm." Meliodas asked him. Estarossa looked grim, "We were attacked, enemies broke in with the assistance of some one within the manor and attacked us." Estarossa explained. Zeldris stiffened.

Surprisingly, they managed to go a full 24 hours with out anything bad happening or being attacked, though the entire situation seemed to change, just as Merlin managed to finish the elixir that would join the two halves together. She had just given the bottle to Nyx and Ra, when an sound wave rocked the house, and Merlin, Gowther, Estarossa, Meliodas, Zeldris, and Ban all vanished. Nyx and Ra exchanged looks, before dashing out the house to look around and they found their friends in tubes and a cackling figure above them. 

Nyx and Ra glared at the girl, who sat on her scythe, a demented grin upon her face

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Nyx and Ra glared at the girl, who sat on her scythe, a demented grin upon her face. They both glared at the girl, before moving in opposite directions, Nyx, forming a claw on his hand, heading for the girl and Ra moving towards the tubes, a soft light covering his hands. "Oh, looky, the two halves are fighting back~ How cute. I am Alyss. So frightening to meet me." She said, crossing her legs, dodging Nyx's attack. Nyx growled and dove in again, lashing out with his original power. While Nyx was fighting with the newly dubbed Alyss, Ra was busy trying to cancel out the dark magic used to create the tubes with his light magic. He conjured a large ball of light in his hands and focused on channeling it into the tubes, causing the tubes to disappear. The tubes had been there to drain their friends magic, much like Ban's steal. Ra caught Meliodas, who had been drained the most of their friends. Nyx launched him self at Alyss, his fist covered in dark destruction, landing a solid punch on the girl, and pumped her full of his magic. She retaliated and kicked him back. Nyx flew back from the blow, before sending her a smirk. Alyss wavered as Dark Destruction started to take it's toll on her. She glared at the boy, before teleporting out. Nyx gave into the exhaustion that had been eating at him and fell back to the ground, where Gowther caught him, "Are you alright, Nyx?" He asked him. "Uh, ya, just let the world stop spinning first." Nyx replied to the doll. After a few moments, Nyx nodded to the doll to set him down.  "It wasn't just us that was split in half, it was our stamina and everything about us. I think it would be best to take that elixir now. "Ra suggested, taking the vial out of his pocket and, after downing half, handed it to Nyx, who downed the other half. They stood there a moment, before they erupted in a bright light, which slowly shrunk after a moment. There, where two once stood, now stood one once more. Elias stood there, whole once more. He wore a black dress shirt with a white leather jacket, a pair of black leather pants, and a pair of white Nike's. He wore a black buckle choker, a black cross on a thin cord, buckles on his wrists, and he wore a silver cross in his right ear. He once more had orange and blue hetrochromia eyes and his demon mark sat on his forehead standing out drastically against his pale skin for only a moment, before fading. He stood there on his own for a few moments, before his eyes rolled up into his head and he fell backwards in a feint. They moved to catch him, but it seems the chaos was not over, it seemed like someone was pulling Elias threw a tube by the back of his navel as he was yanked through time and space. Merlin went over to the spot he disappeared and frowned, "Oh dear, it seems that our little halfling has been pulled into the past." Merlin explained. 

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