Chapter 5

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When Elias woke up the next morning, he vaguely registered Ban beside him and wiggled closer his warmth to escape the cold air. He heard giggling and woke more, and turned in Ban's hold to see who was laughing, only to blush. Diane and Meliodas standing there with shit-eating grins holding his phone. "What did you two just do?" He quietly demanded. A deep chuckled sounded from behind him, "I think they just took a picture of us, Cub." Ban told him, his voice still still husky from sleep. Elias turned back around and hid his face in Ban's chest in embarrassment. Diane and Meliodas laughed behind him. Ban chuckled, "Alright Cub, time to get up. We've got school." He told Elias, who looked up at the fox sin, curiosity lighting his eyes up. "Yesterday, I went by the school and enrolled us at your school and managed to get at least one of use in all of your classes." Ban informed him. Elias grinned, "Cool!" He exclaimed, before jumping up and quickly getting dressed in his uniform. It was a simple black dress suit with a orange tie that matched his eye. The others wore similar, except for Diane, who wore a skirt instead of pants. Ban wore a red tie, Meliodas wore a yellow tie, Diane wore a pumpkin orange tie and King wore a green tie.  Elias and Ban led their little group to the local high school. When they arrived, many eyes were on their little group, most eyes full of innocent curiosity, but there were some who had a dark forbidding look in their eyes. Elias squirmed underneath all of the looks, only slightly reassured by Ban's presence. Many recognized Ban as Elias' friend, because many had seen him come to Elias' rescue several times around town. Elias' group of bullies watched from the side lines, scowls on their faces. The one that led them, a young boy in Elias' year, by the name of Kile. He had a passionate dislike for Elias, after the kid had innocently called him a Ciel doppelganger. 

Elias, as if feeling his eyes on him, turned to face them, and recoiled in fear, closer to Ban, who looked to see what had his cub frightened, only to see the group of kids who Ban's had to deal with on more then one occasion. Meliodas followed his glare, only to raise his eyebrow. "Uh, Ban? Why are you glaring at a group of kids?" He asked Ban. The fox sin glared harder at the group of bullies, gently nudging a terrified Elias inside the school building. "Group of kids who pick on Elias." Ban answered quietly, once they had gotten inside. Elias slowly calmed down, once he was no longer in the bully's sight line. They made their way to first period, which, luckily, they all had together with Elias. They chose seats around Elias, and just in time, as the teacher, Lucy Necromancer, walked in. She was Elias' favorite, honestly. She was really friendly and really cool, but took no BS from anyone. She was also, a distant cousin, who recognized Ban immediately, and looked at Elias with a raised eyebrow.  He gave her a look that said, 'later.' She shrugged and greeted the class just as first bell rang. 

After class, she asked Elias and his friends to stay behind. She eyed the other three, "hey Elias, long time no see Fox. Whose your friends? And where the hell did your parents go?" She asked, cutting straight to the point. "Some fucker is trying to bring the demons back. Elias was the only one who escaped. He managed to call Meliodas, and the the three of us went and got King and Diane." Ban explained quickly. She nodded, "Cool, wait Meliodas as in the one in Elias' book?" She asked, wonder and incredulity on her face. Ban nodded, "Yep, things have happened, and while we're waiting for Merlin and Gowther, we really don't need the human police after us." Meliodas added. Elias nodded along with their words. Lucy seemed to think for a moment before dismissing them, "Alright, get to class. Keep my cousin safe. The little shit attracts more trouble than he needs, both mortal and supernatural." She said. "Can do!" Ban assured her, draping his arm around Elias' shoulders. This was how they walked to their next class, with the others kinda moving around them, chatter filled their little group. Many passing students were watching them, many in shock. Elias growled lowly, "Why are they staring?" He quietly hissed out. Ban chuckled, "Cub, your showing both of your eyes, their kinda shocked. And don't you pull your bangs down to cover them again, you look good with both of them showing." Ban answered, before scolding Elias when he reached a hand up to his bangs. Elias sighed and let his hand fall back down to his side in defeat, knowing Ban would just clip his hair back to keep both of his eyes out. 

By lunch time, several rumors had passed through the students about the new students. Many had suggested the mysterious but familiar Ban to be Elias' lover or even his older brother, the rumors about the others were more widespread and varied. When Ban had heard one of them, he had resisted the urge to start laughing. Elias had blushed at the first one, but had rolled his eyes at the second. They had sat down with the others to eat lunch and they were each very aware of the stares on them. Meliodas chuckled, "I haven't been stared at this much since we were in the Britannia Holy knights." Meliodas commented, amused. King nodded as he ate lunch. Diane reached over and stole King's roll, and munched happily on it. Through out lunch, the group ignored the looks, and talked quietly about their next move. 

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