Chapter 6

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A/N: Poll is closed! Since only one person voted, I decided the pairing on my own. Kudos to NataliaW2004 for her assistance in coming up with the following chapter.

Over the next few days, their little group had some run ins outside of the house and the school with some rather distasteful people, all aiming for Elias. At the moment, their group was gathered in the living room of Elias' house, talking over further protection. "It still won't be awhile until Merlin and Gowther arrive, so, maybe I could bring my brother in on this." Meliodas suggested. Elias immediately thought of Zeldris, Meliodas' younger brother, and he frowned. "How? I thought he was locked up with the other demons?" Elias asked, his hetrochromia eyes glittering in confusion. Meliodas grinned, "It won't take very long, if I ask him. After the Holy War, we made up. I have no idea what's keeping Merlin from coming right now, so we have no idea when she's gonna show up, so asking Zeldris for help might be our best bet for now." Meliodas explained. King nodded, "As much as we have our differences and issues from the last time we saw your brother, Meliodas, I agree, we should bring him in, he is a strong warrior, and hopefully just as against the demon race being released as we are." King added, and Diane nodded, her mouth full of food. She had really taken to the modern day food here. Ban seemed to be thinking. "What do you say, Ban? Since Elias is technically your charge." Meliodas asked him. Ban glanced at Meliodas before shrugging, "I'm fiine with it, as long as Elias is~" Ban said/sang. Meliodas nodded, "Awesome! I'll go see if he's willing." Meliodas exclaimed, before running off. Elias stood up with a stretch. "Hey, I'm going to go boarding for a little while, I should be fine, I'm not gonna go very far, just down the street a ways." Elias exclaimed, before grabbing his skateboard and dashing out of the door, not wait for a reply, and skateboarded down the street. 

Elias liked skateboarding, it took his mind off things. His sister had taught him the basics, and he had taught himself the more advanced stuff, like tricks and what not. Elias felt free when he was skating, like he was flying. He liked how the wind rushed through his hair, and the focus he needed to keep from crashing into something or falling. He closed his eyes briefly to enjoy the feeling of skate boarding, only yelp as he went flying face first and into a tree trunk. He fell into a slouch on the ground, his head dizzy. He shook his head and blinked and looked back, only to groan again at the sight of his daily tormentors. Kile stood there smirking, while one of his goons held his skateboard. Elias glared at them, while Kile chuckled, "Well, looky here, the little freak is without his weird ass bodyguards. Boys, get him." He said, a satisfied smirk on his face. Then his goons launched at him, and he was caught up in pain, so much pain. The much bigger boys  landed several hits on him, hard enough to leave bruises, but not enough to break anything. Elias whimpered and curled into a tighter ball, hoping to reduce to pain and injury being caused to his person. It seemed to go on forever, until, all of a sudden, it just stopped.  He hesitated, before looking up. An unfamiliar dark haired boy was standing there, glaring at the bullies, who were watching him in fear, before scrambling off, the one who had his skateboard had dropped it and hauled tail. Kile glared, "This isn't over, Freak!" He growled, before running off. 

The person turned around and offered his hand to Elias, who took it gratefully. "Thanks, but you should have just walked away, you'll probably get ragged on too, though judging from their reactions to you, I doubt it. " Elias rattled off, before getting a good look at the guy. HE looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place it. He had spiky black hair with a few bangs falling onto his face, and dark eyes that seemed to draw Elias in. "I'm Elias, And you are?" He asked, holding his hand out to the stranger, who took it, "Zeldris. It is not proper for men of any kind or age to pick on a female." He said. It took Elias only a second to realize what he meant, and he growled, "I am a boy, god damn it!" He shouted, punching the tree,  causing cracks in it. He growled and snatched his board up and skated down the sidewalk, back up to the house, only to be bombarded by the every so mom-like Ban, who came flying out the door and started inspecting him all over. "Damn it! I know I shoulda gone with! Those little bastards need their asses kicked. "Do not worry, Fox, I ran into your friend on the way here and dealt with them." Zeldris replied, "Though when he punched the tree, it caused damage, so I don't know why he didn't stick up for himself." Elias scowled, "I don't like hurting people, I did enough of that when I was a kid." He shot off, scowling at the ground. Zeldris' eye twinkled, "Could it be that the girlish boy is a masochist?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he watched Elias blow up. "Damn it to hell! Would you stop that?! I am a guy damn it! And I'm not a masochist!" He shouted, raging. The air crackled with magic, one that Zeldris identified as dark. A look of surprise and astonishment appeared on Zeldris' face. "A descendant of that Goddess wields innate dark magic? How?!" He asked in astonishment. Ban shrugged, "No clue~ Though it wooouulld be appreciated if yoou'd stop pissing Elias off~" Ban replied. Zeldris only smirked, and walked over to the young teen and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Calm down young one, before you blow something up." Elias froze at that, fear etched on his face. He immediately calmed down and glanced away, "Um.. Ban if you need me, I'll be in the tree house meditating..." He said quickly, before rushing off into the woods behind the house. Zeldris watched him go for a moment before turning to Ban and raising his eyebrow. Ban simply shrugged, as it was not his story to tell. The two then went inside to meet up with the others.

Meliodas looked away from King when the two came in, a huge grin on his face, "Zeldris! It's awesome to see you again! Nishishishi!" He exclaimed. Zeldris snorted and rolled his eyes, "The feeling is mutual brother, but cut the formalities, chitchat is not why you asked for me to come." He replied, a fond little smile on his face. Meliodas turned serious, "Some one is trying to release the demons from the seal again. So far, Elias has been attacked several times, and they hit hard each time. We're kinda worried that they'll eventually try something sneaky. And, honestly, we're tired from all the fighting recently. Merlin and Gowther still haven't shown up yet, so I thought maybe you could help." He informed his brother. Zeldris seemed to pause to think about it for a moment before nodding, "Alright, but keep in mind that I will not baby the boy." He responded. Meliodas nodded his acknowledgement. "He won't expect you too." Ban commented, "Kid got put through a lot of shit growing up, and he's worked his ass off trying to keep his magic under a tight leash, so he won't expect to be babied." Zeldris nodded, "Alright, what do you have in mind?" He asked.

Meanwhile, Elias sat in his tree house, in a meditative pose, trying to clear his thoughts from earlier. He took deep calming breathes, focusing on his magic, the way it pulsed and hummed as he gently nudged it back into it's little box. Slowly, he relaxed, and opened his eyes again. 'I almost did it again. I haven't lost control like that in years. Something about him just gets under my skin. Though...he was kinda hot.' Elias thought, before shaking his head rapidly, 'What am I thinking?! He's a hella lot older than me, and a demon to boot, so he lives a long life. Forget the idea, Elias.' He thought, scolding himself, before remembering the way Zeldris had smirked at him while he had raged about getting called a girl. Elias felt shiver go down his spine, "Okay, so..maybe Zeldris is a little hot." He said aloud by accident. He froze as a chuckle came from behind him and turned around slowly and came eye to eye with Zeldris, "Thank you for the compliment, young one." Zeldris said, a smirk on his face. He watched in satisfaction as Elias' face slowly turned a deep red and he struggled to form a comprehensive sentence, before just settling with being quiet. After a few moments, Elias calmed down from his embarrassment enough to ask him, "Any chance I could convince you to forget what I just said?" He asked, hiding his face. Zeldris' smirk grew, "Nope!" He replied, a smug look on his face, enjoying Elias' embarrassed flush. Elias groaned, "Of course not." Zeldris chuckled again, before picking Elias up and throwing him over his shoulder, "Come on, they want you back at the house." He said, hoping down from the tree with Elias, who squealed in terror. "Put me down! I can walk by myself thank you!" He exclaimed, his face completely red again, protesting loudly the whole way home. 

This was the scene that the others saw when they came back. Meliodas and Ban broke down in a fit of laughter, King hid his giggling face behind his chastifol and Diane openly giggled. Elias groaned in embarrassment, "Great, I'm never gonna live this down." Zeldris chuckled one last time before setting Elias down on the ground. Elias growled lowly in his throat. The others calmed down some at his angry look, though Ban still smirked, "Sorry Kit." Ban said, apologizing to the still fuming Elias, ruffling his hair some. Elias glared, before stomping his way into the house. Zeldris watched him go with a smirk on his face. Meliodas hung back with Zeldris while the others went inside. Once he was sure they were inside, Meliodas turned to Zeldris, "So, whats up?" He asked. Zeldris chuckled, "Kids adorable when he gets angry." He replied with a smirk. Meliodas blinked in surprise at the comment. "And I heard him talking to himself. Apparently, Im hot." Zeldris added with a smirk. Meliodas looked at him in shock, before laughing loudly, "So someone can like you in that way!" Meliodas teased his brother. Zeldris scowled and rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I am going inside." He told his still laughing older brother, before entering the house, Meliodas laughing some more, watching his little brother go, an amused look in his eyes. 

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