Chapter 13

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A/N: Warning, there is a severe M rated part, there will be a warning!

Elias came too with a groan, a hand flying up to his head, which was pulsating with pain. 'What the hell?' Elias thought, trying to remember just what happened before he was knocked out. He remember seeing Meliodas' lifeless body then, unconsciousness. He scowled, 'That asshole knocked me out.' Elias glared at the ground, before looking around, not recognizing his surroundings. He was in a room with stone walls and little furniture besides the bed he was currently on.  He climbed off the bed and stood on the floor, his vision swimming briefly, before he gained his footing, 'Just how long was I out?' He wondered before treading over to the mirror on the vanity, hoping nothing too drastic was done to him while he was asleep. He looked in and it appeared nothing to drastic was done. All in all he looked exactly the same. He approached the door and reached out with a little of his magic to check for enchantments or curses, only to find none. Still, he was hesitant, and pulled his sword from it's seal on his shoulder. He pulled it from it's sheath and placed the sheath back in the seal. He held Kitsune no kiba, the name of his sword, at the ready. He opened the door slowly and peaked out, finding no one there. He frowned, just where the hell was he?  He left the room, his sword held out in front of him. He had no clue where he was, so in the large building, he managed to get himself lost and ended up in the one place he had been trying to avoid, the place the commandments were sitting.

Elias cursed and turned on his heel, bobbing and weaving through attacks and sped towards the opposite direction of the commandments, particularly Zeldris. He ran through the different halls and passageways, only just managing to avoid the swarming left over commandments. Apparently Zeldris had knocked him out a little harder than intended, as many were either dead, or incapacitated. He slipped into a room and watched one of the commandments run by. He sighed in relief, his grip on his sword slackening some. A throat cleared behind him and he spun around in fright, before darting out of the room as fast as he could. 

It wasn't long until he was cornered in a large room. Elias glared at the figures surrounding him. 'Shit, something better happen soon, cause if it doesn't, Im strong but not even I can face this many people with power levels as strong as theirs." He thought, just as a small purple vial with a note appeared in front of him. He grabbed it with one hand and quickly read over the label, which simply read, "Throw at ground -Merlin." Elias shrugged mentally and bit the plug off and threw the bottle at the ground, the bottle breaking with a loud crash. The gathered sent him a weird look. "And just what was that supposed to accomplish?" Zeldris asked rather dryly. Elias smirked, "See, that there that I just threw? It was a potion form the Merlin from my time, so Im either about to get pulled back home, someone is getting sent back here, or both." Elias explained, just as a purple portal opened and three figures fell out, all three bickering and fighting. "Mel-nii! Get your arm outa my face!" Estarossa growled, "I will once Zeldris gets his foot out of my side!" Meliodas retorted, "Estarossa, I swear if you remove what ever body part of yours is jabbing me in stomach, there will be hell to pay." Elias' Zeldris growled. Elias laughed, "Um, do you boys need help?" Elias asked, amusement in his voice. Zeldris looked over at him from his place in their conglomeration of body parts, "No thank you, I think we've almost have this problem sorted out. You just wait there a second, Princess." Zeldris replied. Elias growled, a blush on his face, "Im a guy dammit, stop calling me that!" The three brothers finally fell apart. Zeldris stood up and dusted his black dress shirt off, "I know, I just like seeing you blush." He said, a smirk on his face as Elias blushed again. A thud was heard as one of the remaining commandments fainted. Meliodas snorted. Past Zeldris was watching the interaction between the two in interest. A crash was heard and Past Meliodas was standing there in all his demonic glory, Elizabeth in his arms, his eyes cold, only to widen in shock at the sight of the present day Meliodas and the presence of the two Zeldris' and the young Estarossa. Elias chuckled, "Past boys, meet my current day boys." Elias introduced the two, amusement on his face. Meliodas saw Elizabeth, and everything froze for him. He took a step forward. "It's been a while since I've seen you, Elizabeth." Meliodas whispered, tears gathering in his eyes. Past Meliodas stepped in front of her and glared at him. Meliodas chuckled, "I forgot how much of a possessive asshole I was." Elias exchanged looks with Zeldris, before placing a hand on Meliodas' shoulder, and the blonde looked by at him. Elias gave him a sad smile, "Meliodas, its been a long time, she's not your Elizabeth anymore." Meliodas nodded and joined the others, "Alright, time to get you out of here and back to our time." He said, pulling out another vial full of blue liquid. He opened it and poured it into a puddle on the floor, before the liquid started to glow and ripple. It spun and enlarged into a portal, Estarossa went first, followed by Meliodas, then Zeldris. Elias turned back to face the past Zeldris, "Till we meet again!" He said, before falling backwards into the portal, his eyes closed in bliss. 

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