Chapter 4

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A/N: If you have read this story before, and are just now tuning back in, please go re-read the story, I have rewrote it. Artwork is not mine, I simply used a Rinmaru avatar creator.

When the next morning came, the first thing Elias noticed was the arm around his waist, the next thing he noticed was the fact he was laying on someone's chest. Then he noticed he was naked. Elias squeaked in surprise and tried to move away to go get dressed, only to have the arm tighten. Elias looked up to see the sleeping face of the fox sin himself. Elias sighed, 'Well, I'm not moving anytime soon, unless I can get Ban to wake-up.' he thought. He looked at Ban and smirked, before biting Ban's shoulder, causing the much older male to wake up with a snort, and freeing Elias from his grip. Elias grinned and jumped up with a laugh. "I didn't know just how long I was gonna have to lay there naked." He exclaimed. Ban just sat there with a yawn, "Ya didn't have to bite me ya know? A simple, hey! wake up! would have sufficed." Ban said with a yawn. Elias chuckled, "But wheres the fun in that? Oh, hey! Someone left me some clothes!" There was a brown tunic shirt with a red trim, a pair of tight brown trousers, a pair of boxers and a pair of boots. A red ribbon lay off to the side so, Elias assumed, he could put his hair up. Elias quickly dressed and braided his hair, tying it off with the red ribbon. He slid his pendent into his shirt. He turned to Ban and grinned, "How do I look?" He asked smiling. Ban looked at him, before snorting. Elias frowned, "What? Is something wrong?" He asked the fox sin. Ban laughed a little more before answering, "No, it's just, in fairy culture, with shirts like that, the trim is usually the color of the person who you are with, or courting I guess you could say, and It's usually the shade of color of their eyes. Whoever left those there thinks we're togtherrr" Ban explained. Elias' face lit up in a red blush, before he quickly made his way to the bathroom to grab his other clothes, only to realize that they had been taken.  Elias groaned and banged his head on the door frame. Ban chuckled again, "Alright cub, let's go get some breakfast, the clothes are fiiiine, just explain that its not what it looks like." Ban felt an uncomfortable twinge in his chest as he said that. Elias did too, but pushed the feeling aside, "No, it's fine. Too late now. Maybe it will ward off unwanted attention." Ban felt happier at this for some reason. He frowned at the feeling, before shaking it off and got up. 

The two made their way back, honestly just following Ban's sense of super smell, and eventually found the dining hall. King, Diane, Meliodas, and Ella were already there. Meliodas chuckled at the sight of Elias' tunic. Elias blushed crimson in response. "Some one thought Ban and I are together, and they left this in our room and took my other clothes." He quickly explained to those at the table, "Though its fine I guess. Hopefully it will ward off unwanted attention." Diane tilted her head in confusion, "How could someone like you attract attention?" She asked. Ban burst into laughter, "Oh! You have noooo clue! The cub here attracts more trouble then we ever thought abooout." Ban explained, wiping away a non-existent tear. Meliodas leaned back, "How come?" Elias sighed, before brushing the hair away from his right eye, "I am the only male in my entire family history to inherit Elizabeth's hetrochromia eyes. As such, I get a lot of weird shit happen to or around me." He explained,before letting the hair fall back, "And it's particularly weird, because my magic doesn't heal, in fact quite the contrary, it destroys." Meliodas nodded, accepting his explanation. Then the food came and every one dug in. 

Later, after breakfast, Meliodas, Ban, and Elias met King and Diane back on top of the tree. King and Diane seemed to have a silent conversation, before nodding and turned back to the trio. "We'll go, just let us grab Gideon and Chastiefol." King said. Diane turned to Ella, "Your in charge until we get back, please don't burn the tree down." She said. Ella saluted her mom, "Yes ma'am!" She exclaimed. It wasn't too much later, that they moved out. Once they got back to the human world, Meliodas turned to King, "Hey, do you guys happen to know where Merlin or Gowther is?" King nodded, "I sent a message out via the crystal Merlin gave me. She said that she and Gowther will arrive by sometime in the next few days." Elias frowned, "Then that means we need to find a place to stay, and focus on finding where the enemies base of operations is." He said, thinking out loud. "find a place for us to stay for now, and you have school tomorrow. We don't need the police coming after us as well." Ban said, "Though, it's a bit dangerous to let you go with out us being with you." Elias glanced at each of them briefly, "Well any of you could pass for high school students." He said offhandedly. Ban and Meliodas exchanged mischievous looks. "Well, we'll get to that later, first, a place to stay. We could go back to your parents place. I know they know where it is, but it would be easier to defend and there are more escape routes  because of the woods behind it." Ban suggested.Elias nodded, "Alright, my place it is." and with that, Elias lead the way back to his house.

When they got there, it was trashed, the furniture was thrown everywhere and the door was busted in. With a few sighs, they got started in fixing the place up. By the time evening rolled around, the house was livable again. Ban had left to go buy groceries and enroll him self and the other three into Elias' school. Once he got back, Elias was passed out on the couch. Ban smiled softly with a chuckle, before turning to the other three. "Alright, we are officially high school students." He said, handing them their uniforms. it was black suits with white dress shirts and a tie, and a skirt in Diane's case. They took them and put them up in the guest rooms and Ban put his beside Elias' in his room, before going back into the living room and picking Elias up bridal style and taking him to bed. 'Kid's in for one hell of a shock tomorrow morning' He thought, before falling asleep beside Elias, his arm wrapped around Elias' waist.

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