Chapter 10

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Elias had changed since the last they had seen him, which honestly wasn't a surprise, seeing as time moved much faster in the demon realm than it did in the human realm. Elias's hair was much longer, and fell down to his knees, braided, a demon tribe mark adorned the left side of his face, the opposite side of the goddess mark in his eye, his normally pale complexion had tanned some, not much, but enough to make a slight difference. He wore a tight, black, sleeveless muscle shirt, a pair of tight, leather pants, and a pair of black, knee high, riding boots, and a pair of black finger-less leather gloves. Around his neck was his sleeping fox pendent, and a silver cross on a black leather choker, and in his left ear, a cross earring. A pair of silver arm braces were on his upper arms. Attached to his back was a blade, a katana from the looks of it. It's sheath was black, and the handle had orange leather strips around it. The kanji for Fox and Courage was on the sheath. Elias had also grown. Apparently he had hit a growth spurt, because he now stood at 5'5,  five inches taller than Zeldris, and had a lean build. Zeldris felt something stir in him and he was briefly surprised, before focusing on the current situation. 

Elias had been chatting with Star in the study after finishing up training for the day. Estarossa had been telling him a story about Zeldris and Meliodas when they were kids. Elias had been mid comment when the door opened and Meliodas and Zeldris had entered. He could tell that they were surprised at his appearance. It was silent for a few moments, until Estarossa broke it. "Hello, Mel-nichan, Zel-nichan! I assume your here to retrieve young Elias?" Estarossa asked, a bright smile on his face. This snapped the other three out of it. "Uh, ya. I guess we forgot that the time here moved faster than it does in the human realm. " Meliodas replied. Zeldris nodded, "Yes, seeing Elias looking so differently than he did than the last time we saw him was a bit....surprising." Elias chuckled and walked up to Zeldris, a proud smirk on his face, "hey, look, I'm taller than you are now!" he said, grinning. Zeldris smirked, and the next thing Elias knows, he's pinned to the floor beneath a smug Zeldris, "Just because you have a few extra inches on me, means nothing. I can still pin you beneath me." Elias grunted, "Ya, I get it. Can you get off now?" Elias asked, struggling not to blush. Zeldris chuckled, it vibrated through his body. Elias struggled to keep back certain thoughts. Zeldris indulged him and, after pressing down harder for a brief second, got back up onto his feet, offering Elias a hand to help him up, grabbing his forearm and pulling him up. Meliodas and Estarossa exchanged knowing looks and smirks. Meliodas cleared his throat, bringing the two back to reality. Elias took a few steps away from Zeldris. 

"I took the liberty to teach Elias about the workings of demons, including reproduction and heat." Estarossa said out of the blue, enjoying in sadistic humor the sight of all three blushing a deep red. Estarossa snickered, "I had no idea you were such a prude, Meliodas. I knew Zeldris was, and that Elias was shy, but I had no idea you were~" Estarossa teased, giggling when Meliodas glared at him, "Oh! And don't forget Elias, yours should be coming soon." Estarossa reminded Elias, enjoying embarrassing young Elias, whose face only reddened even further. Zeldris cleared his throat and subtly shifted, hoping to hide something. "Before you go, I want to inform you that Elias has a few commitments he must clear up before he returns to the human world. He's promised to attend young Sameal's ball in a week's time, and has offered to escort Lord Lucifer to to his youngest son's home, which is a days ride from here, in about a years time. Then theres the arrangement between Elias and Beelzebub, in which he had asked Elias to teach him everything he knew about the human realm." Estarossa informed the two demons. Elias looked off to the side, "I didn't know that you guys were going to be coming, so I had made them. Sorry, I know you guys probably want to get home as soon as possible." Elias apologized, only to yelp as Meliodas smacked him in the back of the head. "Stop that, it's fine." Meliodas scolded, before grinning, "I kinda expected something like this, honestly, which is why Zeldris and I came prepared. We have no intention of going anywhere with out you. Besides, we promised the others we bring you back with us, so if we show up without you, Im pretty sure Mamma Ban will kill the both of us." Elias snickered, "Yep, I could see it." Estarossa laughed a little, "Well then, I'll have the maids prepare rooms for the two of you." Zeldris nodded his thanks to Estarossa, "Thank you, little brother." Meliodas gave Estarossa a grin, "Ya, thanks Star!" Estarossa smiled, "No problem. Feel free to explore. I have had to change quite a few things since you two were last here." He informed the two, both of which who nodded. 


While it had been much longer for the trio stumbling out of the portal, it had only been about 3 days for Ban and the others who had stayed behind. The air was obviously different between the three, much closer. Ban came running out of the house and began checking Elias for wounds of any sort, and sighed in relief at the lack of. Elias chuckled and pushed Ban's hands away, "Alright, mama fox, calm down, I'm fine." He reassured Ban. Ban cleared his throat and took a step back, before smacking the smaller male in the back of his head. "Watch where your going next time, Kit." Ban scolded. Elias laughed, "Alright, I will, I promise." A small girl came out, followed by an  androgynous person. Elias tilted his head, " see the small person and the gender confused thing behind her, right?" Elias asked uncertainly. Zeldris snorted and Meliodas started laughing, "Ya, don't worry, we see them too. Elias, meet Merlin in her child form, and Gowther, whose, as far as we are aware, a male." Meliodas explained once his laughter calmed down. Elias nodded, face light up in recognition, "Oh! It's a pleasure to meet the two of you." Elias greeted, a soft smile on his face. Ban blinked, he could practically see the flowers and sparkles. He turned to Meliodas, a serious look on his face, "What did you do to  my cub?" He asked the blonde male, who laughed, "It's not our fault. Estarossa put him through some pretty strict lessons, turned the kid into a proper gentleman, before we got there. Don't forget, time moves faster there than it does here, and while its only been about 5 days here, it's been much longer there. So, by the time we got there, well, Elias is much different, and much more confident."  Meliodas explained. Ban nodded, still a little wary of Elias. Merlin gave a sarcastic smile, "Hello to you too, Elias Liones." She greeted. Gowther merely nodded. "So, where's King and Diane?" Elias asked, looking around. "They had to head back to the Fairy forest, they got a message from their daughter, something about brownies and some domestic issues." Ban answered Elias, who nodded. It was then that Ban took in Elias' new appearance and height growth.

He, much like the two brothers, were mildly surprised about his new appearance. Elias's silver hair was now to his knees braided. He A grey shirt under a black jacket with a buckle around his left upper arm, black pants with a buckle on each leg on the calves, with a large red cross on his left thigh, and a smaller red cross on his right calf below the buckle, and a pair of black Nike's with a white check, a black cross on a chain, and a black leather choker, but what caught his eye, was not only was there a demon mark on his fore head just to the upper left of his left eye, but both eyes were blue. Ban grabbed Elias, by the chin, checking his eyes out, before letting go, "What the hell happened to Elias?" Ban demanded, turning his fury on the two demon brothers, both of whom had paled considerably. The three accused exchanged looks, before Meliodas and Zeldris grabbed Elias by his upper arms and turned and ran, "We'll be back when Mama Ban calms down!" Meliodas exclaimed, as the trio faded into the distance, leaving behind a very dazed fox sin. Ban paused briefly, his mind catching up on what just happened, before tearing after them with a growl, and an overprotective fury burning in his eyes.

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