Chapter 3

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Re-done: 7/23/18 12:24 am Art is NOT mine

Elias glanced at the armored fey around them and then back at his shackled hands. Honestly, all they had done was walk in and they were immediately surrounded. Ban had said to just go along with it, that the fairy would end up taking them to Harlequin either way. Elias had just gone along with it, albeit rather reluctantly. They were brought to the top of a giant tree with pink leaves and met with a small blonde girl fluttering everywhere. "Princess Ella! We captured these intruders by the southern entrance to the human world." One of the fairy soldiers reported. Ella stopped and turned to the group, before flying over to them. "And who are you?" She asked them. Ban grinned, "Close friends of King and Diaaaane!" Ban sang. something seemed to click in her mind, "Oh! Then you must be Ban! And the blonde one is Meliodas, and your silver haired friend must be Princess Elizabeth!" She exclaimed, "Though, I figured she would have had bigger breasts..." Ban and Meliodas struggled to keep from laughing. Elias stood there, a dark look on his face. Ban only just managed to grab Elias as he lept at the girl, but that didn't deter him. "I'm not Elizabeth, damn it! Im a boy for one thing! And Im sure as hell no damsel in distress that needs saving!" He growled. Ban and Meliodas couldn't help it and a collapsed in a fit of laughter, Ban forgetting about him holding onto Elias and bringing the silver haired teenager down with him. Elias sat there fuming silently. A chuckle came from the back as King and Diane appeared, though looking no older then the last time Ban had seen them. "Alright, Ella, leave them alone, fly along now." Diane said. Ella nodded and flew off. Diane and King turned back to the trio, two of whom were still laughing, and one of which was still silently fuming. "It's good to see you guys again." King said, though Diane looked less then pleased. She walked up to the trio, moved Elias out of the way, then proceeded to kick Ban into Meliodas. "Stupid Ban! Stupid Captain! You should have come by sooner! Where the hell were you two for the past 8 centuries?!" She exclaimed, fury in her voice. Meliodas kicked Ban off of him before standing up and dusting off. Ban simply just sat up. "I don't know about the past 8 centuries, but Ban has been with me for the past 9 years." Elias explained. Diane turned to Meliodas, "Well, whats your excuse, Captain?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Well I was attempting to hide away. With Elizabeth no longer re-incarnating, I honestly had no reason to interfere with human business anymore." Meliodas explained, "That is, till Elias called me a couple hours ago!" King glanced at Elias, "You...called him? How?" He asked. Elias tilted his head, remembering, "Well, I just used Lostvayne, and I guess some of my magic." he explained. King frowned, "Why did you call him?" the atmosphere became tense. Meliodas looked King in the eye, "It's the demons, their trying to break free again." 

           ________________________________Time Skip!_______________________________

After every had freaked out for a good few minutes and calmed down, Elias had explained a summarized  version of the events that lead them to that moment. Once he was done, King and Diane were deep in thought. "We'll let you know our answer in the morning, but for now, you may rest. I have someone show you to your rooms." King told them. Meliodas nodded, "I understand, its a lot that we're asking of you." Ban threw an arm around Elias' shoulders, "The cub and I are sharing a room, I know he's gonna have nightmares. Today's been rough for the kid." Diane nodded, before motioning one of the fairies on the sides tending to the tree. "Take them to the guests rooms. The blonde one get his own room, but the Silverettes are sharing a room." She told her. The fairy nodded, before leading them into the tree. 

They stopped at two doors, "This will be the blonde one's room, the door across from it will be the silverette's room, please sleep restfully." The fairy said, before flying off. Ban and Elias bid Meliodas a good night and the trio parted ways. Ban's and Elias' room had a large canopy bed made from a dark wood and had green sheets and comforter, a wardrobe and a vanity both made from similar wood as the bed, and an en-suit bathroom, which confused Elias, because they were in a tree, so had did that work? Elias shook it off, before stretching. "I'm going to get a hot bath before I go to bed." Elias told Ban, before ducking into the bathroom. "Alright, just don't fall asleep in the bath!" Ban called after him, before falling onto the bed.

Elias ducked inside the bathroom and began running hot water into the bathroom. Once it was done, he quickly stripped and sank into the hot water, moaning at the relief on his muscles. It felt absolutely wonderful. He leaned back against the side and closed his eyes, enjoying the heat. About a million different thoughts were going through his head, 'King and Diane had a daughter? But they didn't look very old...fairies, a confusing lot.' he thought, before his thoughts took another turn, 'I wonder if my parents are okay, or if they killed them. And they've probably grabbed the rest of my family as well. Geez, I hope their OK..." He thought, before the heat finally got to him and he passed out. 

Ban sat up at the sound of a whimper. He turned and looked at the empty other side of the bed, before sighing, 'Geez kid, this always happens. You get into a hot bath after a long day, and you end up passing out.' He thought, before standing up and heading over to the bathroom. He entered and saw Elias asleep in the bathtub. Ban sighed and drained the tub before grabbing a towel and picking Elias up. He took the kid back into the bed room and put him in bed, simply to tired and lazy at the moment to dress the kid. He then moved to the other side and got in, pulling Elias close and wrapping an arm around the kid and quickly fell asleep. 

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