Chapter 2

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Re-done:7/22/18 10:39 pm Art work above does NOT belong to me.

Meliodas and Elias followed behind Ban, who was taking them to a possible entrance into the fairy forest. Ban took them farther into the forest, and the farther they went, the darker it became. Eventually, they came upon a dried up ravine. Ban turned to look at them, "Now, we waaaait till night time." He sang, before plopping down onto the ground. Elias chuckled and sat down as well, only to be pulled over towards Ban. Elias just sighed and let it happen. Meliodas stared at the pair, "I've been meaning to ask,  Elias, how do you know Ban?" Meliodas asked. Elias looked at him in surprise, before remembering the day they met. "Well, it was a long time ago, when I was 8 or 9." He began, "My older sister, Lizben, was very sick and had to stay at the hospital. Mom and Dad wanted to stay with her while they could, but they didn't want me knowing that she was sick, so they tried looking for someone to stay with me until the foreseeable future, but they couldn't find anyone willing to, cause they all knew how much of a handful I was at the time. They couldn't get any family to look after me, because they were all too far away, and Grandma couldn't watch me, she was too old and frail to handle me. Just as they were about to say screw it and just stay home or take turns, here comes Ban, out of no where, offering to, "Keep an eye on the kid" while they stayed with Lizzy. 

"So, for about 2 months, Ban looked after me. He taught me quite a few things too, like how to control my magic so I didn't keep on destroying things, and he taught me his "Trade". He made sure I didn't get into to much trouble, too. He looked after while I was sick, too. I remember being bed-written for quite a few days with a high fever, and Ban was there taking care of me all the while.  I remember, being taught how to fight after a run-in with some bullies. I had been skateboarding around the neighborhood when they came up to me pushed me off. It was a group of 5 different boys. 2 of them had grabbed my board and had broke it, and the other 3 were beating me up, and making fun of my heterochromia eyes. Then, here comes Ban, appearing right out of thin air. He used "Snatch" to get me away from the bullies, before threatening to hang them up by their underwear. Afterwards, he patched my scrapes and cuts up, before taking me to get a new skate board. I remember walking in and see the board with a fox deck, and how it reminded me so much of Ban, so I picked it. I've had the board since. After that incident, I still have bullies, yes, but Ban's taught me how to fight. I do pretty well, but I just choose not to fight back. I, uh, might do some serious internal and external damage, so I run away. I'm pretty fast, so I usually end up outrunning them.

"Then my sister passed away due to her sickness. I remember crying so hard and not letting go of Ban for the life of me. He stayed with me during and after the funeral, because Mom and Dad were pretty much useless at that moment, barley remembering to feed them selves. I remember, during one of our walks around town, we were stopped by some drunk dude, claiming I was a monster, and that since Ban was with me, then he was too. I remember getting so pissed off that someone would calm him a monster, that I grabbed the nearest object to me, which was a board mind you, and hitting the guy as hard as I could. I ended up knocking him out. I had dropped the board and stuck my tongue out at him, and said, "Ban isn't a monster you dirty old pervert!" Ban had almost bust a seam laughing at that, then Ban gave me a piggy back ride all the way back to the house. The next day, I was at my tree house, reading the journal, when Ban had dropped my signature pendant in front of me, saying I was his cub now. Since then, Ban's pretty much hung around all the time, bailing me out from the bullies or when I've managed to bite off more then I can chew, like that one time I managed to get corner by three gang members, and just generally hanging out. Of course, he still goes off from time to time, its in his nature after all, though he usually comes back with some kinda of stolen object that he hides in my tree house till either I make him get rid of it or he sells it, though there are somethings we kept for pure nostalgia's sake." Elias said, finishing off his story. 

Meliodas looked at Ban, "I didn't know you got so attached to kids." He said. Elias frowned, "You do know I'm 17, right?" He asked. Meliodas looked at Elias in surprise. "Your 17? I thought you were like 12 or something." Elias growled while Ban started laughing. "I'm 17, thank you very much! And you have no room to talk, short stack!" Elias exclaimed, indignation and irritation audible in his voice, though he only seemed to make Ban laugh harder. Elias scowled at the laughing sin. "Im glad my damaged pride if funny to you." He said dryly. Ban slowly calmed down, "S-sorry kid, but you gotta admit, it's kinda funny." Elias snorted in indignation and turned away, pouting. Ban chuckled before scooting up behind Elias and started to tickle him. Elias shrieked in shock, before scrambling to get away from Ban, only to be pinned and fingers digging into soft spots on his torso. Elias laughed, while buckling and struggling to get free, before freeing a leg and kicking Ban off of him. Elias glared at the Fox sin, huffing from exertion, "I hate it when you do that." Meliodas just chuckled at their display, before looking up at the moon that had risen into the sky by that point, "Alright, Ban, time to get going. You said you know how to get in." And with that, the joyous atmosphere vanished and was replaced by seriousness. The trio got to their feet and Ban pulled out a bag of fairy dust and tossing some at the start of the ravine. He nodded at the two, the glow from the lightning bugs and the dust making his face seem to glow, before jumping into the now opened portal, Meliodas and Elias hot on his tail. Though, when they came out on the other side, they were met with some rather hostile fairies. Elias exchanged looks with Meliodas, before letting out a loud, "Shit!".

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