Chapter 12

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A/N: Don't worry Nyx and Ra will make another appearance, though not very soon.

Elias screamed in fright as he was sent flying into the past. He honestly had no clue where he'd end up, as the time stream flew by him in whirls of color. He looked ahead of him and saw the bright white light, and he eeped, and threw his arms up in front of him as he went flying out the other side, and screamed when he noticed that he was 500 ft in the air above a large black and purple structure and tiny things that looked like people down below. He panicked. His powers weren't working. He was about to crash into the blonde figure, who looked to be dodging the others. "Watch out below!" Elias shouted right before he collided with the blonde figure, causing the two to go tumbling, just when they stopped moving, a teleportation spell kicked in and the two were yanked to a different location. Elias groaned in pain as he sat up, a hand on his forehead.  "Damn that hurt." He muttered. "Uh, could you get off me now?" asked an awfully familiar voice. Elias stiffened and got off quickly. "Shit sorry!" He exclaimed. The blonde figure sat up quickly. "Oh my, it appears that we've picked up something extra." a feminine voice said. Elias looked up and saw a few of the seven deadly sins. There were others there, but Elias didn't recognize them, so he assumed they were either human, or dead by his time. He stood up and brushed the dirt off of his pants. "It appears I've landed my self in quite the spot haven't I?" Elias said. Elias blinked as he found a sword at his throat. He looked over and saw Meliodas standing there with a smile on his face with Lostvayne pointed at Elias. "So, care to explain why you came flying out of the sky and why you look so much like Elizabeth?" He asked, his eyes threatening bodily harm. Elias gave a nervous smile, "I assure you, Sir Meliodas, I mean neither you or Lady Elizabeth any harm. If I were to kill her, I, myself would not be born." He assured him, causing massive confusion. Elias sighed, before straightening up. "I am Elias Liones, youngest son of family head, Serene Liones and her husband Micheal.  I am the only male in my family to be born with a large resemblance to our matriarch, Elizabeth Liones, and the only known person to be born a half demon and still receive the mark of the Goddesses apostle." Elias said, introducing himself. Meliodas blinked in confusion, "Say what?" Elias rolled his eyes and nelt down the five inches and moved his hair back to show the smaller blonde his orange eye, and activating his demon mark at the same time. Meliodas looked between the two before frowning, "Well, that is strange."  Elias stood back up straight and sighed, "Man I can't seem to catch a break" He muttered to himself. He sighed and looked at King, "Do you mind putting your chastifol away? I don't much like getting a spear pointed at my back." Elias asked. King looked shocked briefly before frowning, pulling chastifol back to him. "Hmm, truly impressive, especially for someone so young. May I speak with you in private, young halfling?" Merlin asked, and Elias nodded, "You may come along as well Meliodas." The three of them separated from the others. 

"So, young one, how did you manage to end up so far into past?" Merlin asked. Elias winced, "Honestly, it's your fault, Miss Merlin. I was split into my two halves, and you made an elixir to join them back into one person again, and well, your elixir caused something and I ended up getting yanked into the time-space continuem and dropped off here." Elias explained. Merlin hmmed. "So, you said your half-demon?" Meliodas began, continuing at Elias' nod, " Have you been trained and taught?" Elias snorted, "You and Zeldris left Estarossa teach me about the history and biology shit, but when it came to training, you and Zeldris teamed up and kicked my ass. It also helped that I got thrown into the demon realm in a desperate attempt to get me out of the way in the battles in my time." Elias explained. Meliodas' eyebrows rose, "Zeldris and I both trained you? And Estarossa taught you?" Meliodas reiterated, a little shocked. Elias nodded, "yep, though considering everything that happened during this time, I can understand why your shocked." Elias reassured him, "Something happened and the three of you made up." Elizabeth approached them, "Um, excuse me, Sir Meliodas? Um, whats the plan from here?" Elizabeth asked. Elias tilted his head, "Hmmm, I wonder why every one keeps saying I look like you?" He asked aloud. Elizabeth looked at him shocked. Elias pulled the string from the end of his braid and took his hair down, letting the strands cascade down around him. He walked over to the princess and stood beside her. HE turned to face the other two, "Come on, I can't possibly look that much like her. My older sister was the one my folks christened as the next Elizabeth, not me." Elias said with a scowl. Merlin chuckled, "I am afraid that you look more like the princess than you care to like or admit." Elias scowled and re-braided his hair, making sure to grab all of his hair. "Fine." He said with a scowl. Meliodas sent Merlin a look and the sorceress guided Elizabeth back over to the others. "So, you said I get along with my brothers in the future? How are they like?" He asked Elias, who smile softly. "Well, Estarossa, Im not aloud to tell you what happened, but he's in his younger form, back when he was a kid, and he oozes innocence, but can still kick ass. Zeldris, he's a sarcastic asshole, and has the insistent urge to call me princess because the first time we met, but he can also be over protective, and almost killed one demon who kept looking at me weird because I was close to my heat." Elias answered, and was very creeped out at the grin that Meliodas sent at him, "Um, Meliodas? You okay there, bud?" Elias asked the blonde. "Oh, Im fine, but it seems little Zeldris fell in love~" Meliodas teased. Elias snorted, "No offence Meliodas, but thats the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard." He said, before going and rejoining the others, refusing to let himself hope. 

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