Chapter 9

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A/N: Dedicated to @NataliaW2004 

When Elias came too, his felt the bone deep exhaustion. He sat up with a yawn and stretched, before glancing around,  noting he was in his room. He climbed out of the bed and walked over to his door, pausing briefly and the lack of noise in the house, and tensed, quietly leaving the room. He checked rooms as he went, his guard up, until to deadpan as he found them all outside in the back. He relaxed with an irritated sigh and stepped outside, walking still half asleep to Ban, who was talking to Meliodas. He gave a yawn and leaned against the much taller male, who glanced down at him, "Hey, your up. I was wondering when you would. Due to the destruction at the school, it's closed for repairs. It was hit pretty hard, who knows how long it will take to repair." Ban explained. Elias nodded. "In the meantime, Zeldris and I need to see something. I need you to call up your magic." Meliodas said, giving Elias a serious look, who nodded tired. Meliodas took Elias and pulled him to the middle of the yard. "I need you to call your magic up to its full power." Meliodas asked him. Elias hesitated, looking at Ban briefly, but upon getting a nod, he did as asked. Meliodas exchanged a look with Zeldris, who nodded. The two brothers invoked their demon powers and reached out towards Elias slowly, as to not to cause any magical backlash. Elias' magic responded in kind and an all to familiar symbol formed on Elias' forehead. Meliodas and Zeldris pulled their magic back and deactivated it, once their hunch was affirmed. The mark on Elias' forehead faded away just as quickly as it appeared. Meliodas exchanged glances with Zeldris who sighed and nodded. "Well, it's been confirmed, Elias, you are at least half demon, although how it's possible with you having goddess blood in you as well, I'm not sure." Meliodas confirmed. "For now, we need to fill you in on the basics of demon biology." Zeldris added, his face taking a light, almost unnoticeable blush. Elias tilted his head, "Just how different from humans are demons? I though the only thing that was different was the 7 hearts compared to a human's 1." Elias asked, innocence oozing from him. Meliodas and Zeldris glared the 3 snickering people behind them. "More than you'd think." Meliodas answered begrudgingly, leaning back onto his hands. Elias nodded, "Alright."  "We've also got to train you in your magic, cause what happened a few days ago, that blow up of magic when you got angry, will only get stronger. You can't keep being afraid of your own magic, Princess." Zeldris said, crossing his arms. Elias scowled, "Im a guy, damn it! And I can take care of myself, so stop calling me princess, damn it!" Elias fumed, glaring at the much older male. Zeldris smirked while Ban and Meliodas snickered. Elias clicked his teeth and turned on his heel, walking further into the forest, but, before he could get very far, a portal of black energy appeared beneath Elias, dropping him through it. Elias fell in with a high pitched scream. Meliodas and Zeldris scrambled to get over to it before it closed, but they missed it by a few seconds, though the energy from it was clear.  Someone had sent Elias to the demon realm. Zeldris cursed. "What the hell just happened, where the hell did my cub go?" Ban demanded. "Someone just dropped Elias into the demon realm." Meliodas answered, a grim look on his face.


Elias sat up with a groan, a hand flying to his head. 'What the hell just happened? The last thing I remember is falling and then, nothing.' He thought, before opening his eyes. He took in the desolate landscape around him and stood up with a stretch. He took a deep breath, only to start hacking at the amount of miasma in the air. 'Where ever I am, it's not earth, that's for sure.' he thought once the coughing had died down. He started walking, 'maybe I'll find someone.' 


At the next full moon, which was 4 days later, Meliodas and Zeldris were scrambling to get things done. While they could make portals into the human realm at any time they wished, they could only be made form the human realm into the demon realm on a full moon, when magic was at it's strongest. "We can only make a portal for us to go through, besides, we need you three here, to wait for Merlin, and to keep an out out for both Elias, and those bastards. " Meliodas explained. Ban growled but nodded begrudgingly. "We'll keep an eye out and make sure those two don't show up and terrorize people again." King reassured Meliodas, who nodded, before going back outside where Zeldris was waiting. The back yard was light up with light from the full moon, gazing down upon them as they made their portal to retrieve young Elias. 


 Elias felt the heat bearing down on him as he disposed of another of those creatures. He had honestly lost track of time of how long he had been here. He sighed as he let the feeling of his magic dissipate. he had unlocked his demon abilities by pure accident a while back, during a fight with one of these things, which he found were rather edible,  surprisingly. Anyway, he flew over the harsh landscape, still not finding anyone. He was about to land when a large building in the distance caught his eye and made him pause, 'A building? Looks like a manor or a castle. Could this be my chance to meet someone after so long?' he thought, before taking off towards the building, hope giving him a boost of speed. Once he got there, he landed and walked up the large wooden door, knocking on it 4 times, before taking a step back, waiting. It wasn't long until the door was opened to reveal  a woman in a maid's uniform. She took one look at him before stepping aside. "Come in, Ms. Liones, It is a pleasure to see you again. The young master is in the study, he will be especially ecstatic to see you." She said, making Elias blink, "Listen ma'am, Im not Elizabeth. Im Elias." He corrected, following her. "Nonsense, Ms. Liones, its not time to play games, especially at another's home." The maid responded. Elias scowled and followed behind her, hoping that this  "Young Master"could help him. He couldn't be too bad, if he had known Elizabeth.

She led him to an upstairs study, where someone occupied a chair in front of a window, as proven by the shadow of a person on the floor. "Mrs. Liones, Sir." She said, before leaving. Elias scowled at being called a girl again. "Listen, I assure you, I am not Elizabeth Liones. I am her descendant, that and the fact that Im a boy. My name is Elias Liones. I stumbled on your home by pure accident, and had hoped to ask for instructions on how to return to the human realm. " He informed the person, gaining a childish giggled in return. He tilted his head in confusion. A young boy who resembled a much younger Meliodas. A name popped into his head, "Estarossa?" Elias asked confused. The child gave him a confused look. "Ah, you look like a much younger Meliodas." Elias explained. Estarossa nodded, "Yes that's me. Since your a Liones, you must be aware of the events of the past?" he asked Elias, who nodded, still very confused. "Well, after the commandment was removed, the doll, Gowther, did something, and I ended up as a little kid again, though this time, with Merlin's intervening, a little closer in DNA to Meliodas and Zeldris. At first, it pissed me off, but after a little while, I wasn't quite so....against the idea. So, Elias, why don't you have a seat and tell me your story?" Estarossa asked, motioning to a chair.


After Meliodas and Zeldris set up the portal, and made sure that they everything that they needed, they bid the other three good-bye, after reassuring them that they'd be back, and with Elias. They exchanged glances, before leaping into the portal, the black sphere of energy disappearing after them. Diane sighed, "Alright, you two, let's get to work." before heading back inside, with King following her. Ban hesitated, staring at the sot where they left for only a brief moment, before following them inside.


When Meliodas and Zeldris emerged from the portal, they found themselves  just outside of Estarossa's castle. "We should ask Star if he's seen or heard rumors of Elias." Zeldris suggested, wanting to find him quickly, having gotten especially attached to him during the short time he's known the silverette. They knocked on the door and were lead to Estarossa's study, where a lithe boy with long braided silver hair that reached his knees stood, wearing a tight black sleeveless top that showed his toned stomach, and matching leather pants and combat boots, and a pair of finger-less gloves stood there, chatting lightly with their younger brother, but what was shocking about the boy, was the familiar pair of orange and blue hetrochromia eyes, and the all too familiar mark of the demon clan that sat on his forehead above his blue eye. "Elias?!" Zeldris asked shocked to the core at the boy's appearance. 

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