Chapter 8

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The next day, unfortunately, is a Monday. Elias wakes up slowly, surrounded by warmth. Still half asleep, he snuggles closer to his "pillow" and a chuckle came from it, causing his pillow to vibrate. Elias frowned, "Shhh... Pillows aren't supposed to laugh." He said with a yawn. He opened his eyes and came face to face with Zeldris, who was looking down at him amused. Elias yawned again and sat up, pulling away from Zeldris, who looked confused for a moment. Elias saw the look and snorted, "If your wondering why I didn't react loudly and start blushing and what not, Im used to sleeping in the same bed as someone because of my nightmares." Elias explained, before jumping up and grabbing his uniform from the closet. He then made his way to the bathroom and changed, leaving a confused Zeldris behind. 

Ban stuck his head in and slung a uniform at him and Zeldris caught it in one hand, before looking at it confused. "What is this?" He asked the fox sin. "A school uniform, your going to high-school like the rest of us, mostly considering that Elias is the biggest target for the bad  guys." Ban explained, "Though unlike the rest of us, you'll have every class with Elias, while the rest of us share maybe one or two of them with him. " Zeldris nodded and got up, changing rather quickly. The tie on his uniform matched the red on the suit he wore once upon a time. Zeldris sighed dejected, he knew there was no getting out of this.  He stood up and changed into the clothes handed to him.

Elias came out of the bathroom and went back to his room to grab his shoes, only to freeze in the doorway, Zeldris was in front of him shirtless. Elias could see the muscles on his arms and chest. Zeldris smirked, "See something you like princess?" He teased. Elias blushed and hurried out of the room with a shout of, "Im a dude!" 

Elias ran into the kitchen where Ban placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. Ban took one look at Elias' face and laughed, "Let me guess, you walked in on Zeldris changing?" He asked the silverette. Elias just glared at him and ate his food. Ban laughed some more. Once everyone was  done getting ready, the lot of them gathered in the living room, although Zeldris was still in Elias' room struggling with his tie. He let out a growl that resounded through out the room, as he struggled with the slim piece of cloth. Elias looked in the direction of his room, "You guys go on ahead, I'll go see what's taking Zeldris so long." Ban looked hesitant, until Elias flashed him a reassuring smile. They left and Elias went back to where Zeldris was still struggling. Elias chuckled and walked closer to the demon. "Here, let me help. You look like your about to rip the poor thing to shreds." Elias said with another chuckle. He swatted Zeldris' hands away and took the tie into his own hands, tying it for the frustrated demon. He glanced up at Zeldris once he was done and found him looking at him very intently. Elias blushed and looked away, before backing up quickly. "Um, we sh-should get going." He stuttered before leaving quickly. Zeldris chuckled lowly, before following the boy out of the house. Elias grabbed his skateboard and hopped on it, skating slow enough that Zeldris could keep up with him.

When they caught up with the others, Ban was wondering what happened to make Elias so red. Though from the way Zeldris seemed smug with a smirk on his face, Ban had a feeling he really didn't want to know. Their group made it to the school, and once again the rumors and stories went flying, questions and speculations about new addition to their group, Elias' red face didn't help either. The group of bullies from yesterday were there and glaring at Elias who noticed and paled, stepping closer to Zeldris, who noticed and wrapped a comforting arm around Elias, before sending a glare at the group that could kill. They paled and quickly left the courtyard, each one very eager to get as far away from the small ravenette. This caused a whole new wave of whispers, which made Elias groan and Zeldris tilt his head in confusion. "What is wrong?" He asked Elias. "The other students are talking about you and I because of what just happened. Who knows what their thinking." Elias explained. Zeldris still looked slightly confused, but nodded anyway. 

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