The Frost Series

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Hey Readers! I know your waiting for an update. I promise that another is in the works, but Im working through a severe bout of writers block with a few stories, so Im working on others in the mean time. Im here to tell you about a small series of books I wrote called the Frost Series. Maybe you could check it out for me?

The first book is called A cold Redemption

Book 1 in The Frost Series

"My birth name is Crystalyn Magum, but now a days, I go by Frost, and despite my 19 year old face, I have lived for a very very long time."

Frost an Ancient Magus whose been around for awhile and has seen many things, so when she finds our favorite ventriloquist dummy at a antiques store, you honestly think she wouldn't be as surprised as she was when he came to life and was pissed for suddenly being placed under a familiar's seal. Watch as She and Slappy get used to each other and adjust to their new lives and come to think of each other as family.

There is also a compilation book with all 4 books in it.


- Luna

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