Chapter 1

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Ray's POV:

"Ray! Ray! Emergency!" Chris, my roommate, came in running with a sweat drenched shirt as he panted tiredly against the door.


"The shop!" What about my shop?

"What about it?"

"The whole land has been bought over so all shops are forced to close!" Someone closed my shop down?! The one which I spent $3721.45 to rent every year and the one which I spent $5476.75 to refurbish the old looking shop?!

"What?! Who the hell bought it?"


"Who?" He rolled his eyes at how clueless I am. Like I should know everyone in the whole entire world.

"The CEO of High and Wide." Great, another money fucking asshole.

"So it's a fucker who thinks that he can just throw some cash and rob everyone's job. I'm going to find him."

"What?! What can you even do?"

"Give him a black eye or two? A broken nose or a dislocated jaw? Nothing serious."

"Are you crazy?! He can fucking sue you! He has like billions and you-"

"I have a hatred for rich assholes who go around taking jobs of the innocent. And he closed down the shop which I spent so much to build up! "

"He can sue you till you're broke."

"If that gets the people back their job, I don't mind living a fucking bridge and wearing the same underwear for a whole month without washing."

"That's gross." Chris shot me a look of disgust at my words. At least I don't eat my fruitloops with ketchup.

"Like you're any better. You know what, don't prepare my dinner tonight."

"Why? Wait...don't tell me that you're serious in finding him?!" He exclaimed in disbelief as he tried to pull me back.

"Does it look like I'm joking? Bye." Grabbing my helmet, I took my keys and the lonely bag of marshmallows on the dining table. "I'm taking the marshmallows!"

"Nooooo! Leave my babies alone!"

"Too bad! Buy another!" He screamed in frustration as he chased after me to the lift but was too late as the door shut in front of his face. Haha! Sucker.

Time to find the money fucking bastard.


So this is it? Taking off my helmet, I walked to the front desk to a well-dressed woman.

"Hi Miss, can I speak to Dimitri?"

"May I know who you are Sir?" She asked politely while smiling up at me.

"I'm his friend." She look at me with a hint of disbelief. Who am I kidding, I'm wearing a pair of jeans and just a plain tee-shirt. Oh well, I just have to do this the hard way then.

Cracking my knuckles and neck, I stare deeply into the lady's eyes while pulling up my sleeves, flexing my muscles slightly as her pupils dilated. "It's a bit hot here don't you think? Can you please bring me to Dimitri now? I don't want him to think that I just had sex."

She nodded slowly in daze as she stared at my biceps with parted lips.

"This way please. From here, take the lift to the 50th floor. He will be in his office."

"Thank you miss. You look gorgeous by the way." Sending her a playful wink, her cheeks flamed up as she scurried away while cupping her cheeks. She's cute but...I don't swing that way. Sorry to all women on earth. It's always dicks before chicks for me.

*Doors Opening*

The lift doors openes to two huge wooden doors. Fucking hell. I can buy myself a new plasma TV and a L-shape sofa if I trade those doors in. Knocking firmly, on the polished doors, the doors opened automatically. Okay, let's change the TV and sofa to a 7 nights 9 day holiday to New Zealand.

Fuck my life...I wonder how much does each door cost.

"5 thousand each." I deep voice sounded, sending a cold shiver down my back. Did say it out loud?

"Who are you and what do you want? I normally don't entertain people like you but since you managed to fool my employees, I'll hear what you want."

Fuck my life...he's fucking hot. Those broad shoulders and the rich olive brown eyes of his makes him look so safe and comfortable to be with. Wait, what am I thinking? He is just a bastard who robs jobs away from people.

"You are the Dimitri?"

"The one and only. So, what do you want?" He smirked as he leaned back against his leather chair. Fucking arrogant.

"I want my shop and everyone's shop back."

"Your shop?"

"The one which got closed down due to your brilliance of buying over the land."

"Oh. That land. Oh dear, I'm sorry but I can't. "

"What do you mean by you can't?"

"What do I get if I return you your shop? Free sex? I don't mind."

"You're nuts!" Opening the bag of marshmallow in my hands which I didn't realise that I was holding, I grabbed a handful of it before throwing them at him. Fucking pervert.

"It's bad to waste food you know. You shouldn't throw food like that." He spoke in a irritating voice making me want to just bash him up despite his looks.

Stomping over to the lift, he smirked while putting his legs up on the desk. "My answer is no by the way. Hope to see you next time."

Glaring at him for the last time, I stomped into the lift furiously, pressing for the doors to close immediately. Who even wants to see a bastard like him for a second time? Definitely not me.

I hate him...he made me waste my bag of marshmallows.

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now