Chapter 5

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Dimitri's POV:

"How do you think about these girls? They're fucking hot right?" The Harrison dude commented as he oogled at the 3 barely clothed women who were pole-dancing for him. He's such a pig. Too bad he's my company's largest client. I need to make sure not to offend him at all times.

"They sure are." Ha ha...ya...right...

"You want one? I booked them for the night." He grinned disgustingly as he rubbed his boner.

"It's alright. I'm fine." Someone please give me a bag, I'm going to puke from his horrendous behaviour.

"If you say so." Turning away from excitedly, he snapped his fingers and called them over. "Let's go ladies. We're going to have a fun time tonight. I'll see you next time partner!" He waved goodbye to me while before grabbing their asses. Pig...

Seems like I can go now. Thank goodness. Loosening my tie, I walked pass the dance floor to the door but stopped when I saw a hot view of two hot guys, one grinding against the other sexily. Fuck, that's so hot.

The taller one grabbed a fist full of hair of the shorter one, making him look up at him and moan out loud in pleasure. I felt myself getting harder when the taller put his hands into the shorter guy's shirt, letting his hands roam freely higher and higher, lifting his shirt up, exposing the firmly defined abs the guy has. The shorter guy panted as the taller one sucked against his neck, hard enough to leave hickeys. He tilted his head towards my direction to give the guy more access but what shocked me was who the person was.

It was the guy who barged into my office for me to give him back his shop. Anyone can remember a sexy guy like him. I remembered getting hard at the sight of him in ripped skinny jeans and a tight pull over which greatly emphasised his well defined muscles. He is the real definition of takeout sex. I wanted him as mine from start.

But why is he here? He doesn't seem like someone who will come to this sort of place. He must be drugged by someone to have him act like this. I want to thank and kill the person who drugged him at the same time. Thank him for showing me this side of him and kill him for drugging him.

Before I knew it, I was walking over to them. "You want to us? We're fine with another guy, right sexy?" The taller guy asks seductively as he tugged the hair of Mr takeout sex.  It seems that he was far away from sober as all he did was moan loudly and deeply when the guy grabbed his crotch softly, stroking him through his jeans, making him shudder in his arms.

"Sorry but I have to take him home now. His boyfriend called." The guys eyes shot wide open before letting him go immediately.

"Oh shit. He's taken? I'm not surprise...he's fucking sexy. Here. Take care of him." The guy pulled away from him before passing him to me. Immediately, he passed out against me as his soft snores entered my ear.

"Thank you."

"No worries. I don't do it with guys that are taken." He shot me a wink before walking to another guy who's looking at him lustfully.

Carrying him to my car, I place him to the passenger seat and fastened him securely before getting into the driver's seat. Looking at him, the soft glow of the outside light shone on his beautiful strap features. He looks so calm and cute asleep, like a little kitten. A kitten with a soul of a lion.

I hate to wake him up but I have to send him back. Shaking him lightly, he stirred slightly, snuggling into the seat. "Hey, wake up." I shook him harder this time, successfully waking him up.

"Where do you stay?"

"Stay? Home." He says drowsyly, his eyes threatening to close again.

"Address, kitten ad-" Did I just call him kitten? Since when do I give people nicknames? Oh well, kitten is a suitable nickname for him.

"Pocket." He yawned out as he tried to take something out from his pocket but huffed in annoyance when he failed. Cute.

"Come, let me help you." Putting my hand in his pocket, I felt a piece of paper and pulled it out, accidentally brushing against his crotch making him moan softly in his sleep. Fuck. Must he be so hot even in his sleep?

Unwrapping his crumpled paper, I found an address in it. Wait...isn't this my addrrss? Why does he have it? "Hey, wake up. Wake up kitten." I tried to shake him awake like before but he remained dead asleep.

What should I do? Should I just bring him to my place? I mean, it's a good chance to finally have a good excuse to get to know him before making him mine. Should I?

*bing* My phone screen flashed brightly, showing a notification from mum.

From: Mum

Here's your info. Sorry. Lost track of time. *file attached*


Thanks. ♡

Opening the file, kitten's image popped up with his personal information below. Wait a minute...he's my chef?! All the while he's so close to me and I didn't even realise! So the one who threw food at me is the one making my food all the while. I can't believe this.

This must be fate. For him to find me at the first place to becoming my chef soon after that. Now I'm really glad that I bought the whole place over.

Running my fingers through his soft hair affectionately, he snuggled closer into my hand like a kitten searching for warmth. This feels so right.

Maybe I finally found my future.

Hi loves! How is the book till now? I hope it's okay?

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now