Chapter 19

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Ray's POV:

It has been a week since I've moved back to stay with Chris and Dimitri obviously, wasn't pleased. It took me three whole hours just to convince him.

Throughout the week, Chris haven't been eating much and goes crazy whenever I'm going out to meet Dimitri. He only allows me to cook for Dim but not physically meet him. He also keeps going out at night around 11pm and comes back around 4 in the morning smelling like crap.

I'm worried that his condition is getting worse. I'm thinking of asking him to consult a psychiatrist but...what if he feels offended? I don't want him to think that I think that he's insane or mentally unstable...what should I do? I want to help him yet I'm afraid that I would hurt him instead.

Drying myself with a towel, I slipped on my pants and went downstairs to find Chris making lunch. He's been like this all the while. He acts like this whenever I'm going to go out to meet Dim. You have no idea how many times I have to cancel my date with Dim just because he threatened to cut himself again.

This time however, I'm going out with him no matter what. I don't want Dim to think that I'm avoiding him purposely.

"Come and eat Ray. I've made steak with mash potato, broccoli and carrots for the sides." He says energetically as he set the plates down. One for me and one for him.

Sitting down at the counter, we ate in silence. It's good but I don't have the mood to really savour the taste as I know what's going to happen next.

"Are you going anywhere later?" And it started...

"Later. Around 6."

"With who?" He asked 'curiously'.



"Yes." His tensed at my answer. Ah's going to start again in 3...2...1...0.

"I see." Wait what? He'll usually makes a big fuss about it.

"You don't mind?"

"I do but not like I can help it." He says with a shrug before standing up and walking over to the glasses.

"Red wine or?"

"I'll get orange juice." I returned to eating my food as I heard the opening of fridge and the clinking of glasses.

"Here." He place the glass in front of me and a glass of red wine for himself.

"Thanks." He smiled softly as he sat down.

"You're welcome."


"Here. Let me get your plate." Chris offered as he took my plate from me.

Thanking him I stood up and walked towards the living room but stumbled on my feet when my vision blurred. Shaking my head to clear the blurriness, my vision blurred even more instead as my feet felt like jelly. Taking a step, I felt my whole body collapsing forward like a rag doll, hitting the ground harshly.

"Ray! Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Yeah. My head hurts." I winced slightly as my head pounded. It feels like someone is using a jackhammer to wack me on my head.

"Come, let me help you to your room." I felt myself getting lifted up as my arm was thrown over Chris shoulders.

"Can you walk? I can't really carry you up." Nodding weakly, I managed to stumble my way up the stairs and into my room with Chris's help.

"Get some rest. I'll go get penadol for you." Nodding once again, I let sleep take over me once he left the room.

Chris's POV:

Closing the door behind me, I decided to wait outside for a while before entering again. The drug the guys gave me for a small trade worked really like a charm. I wasn't expecting him to drop asleep that soon but oh well, works either way.

After 10 minutes, I walked in quietly to see him dead asleep. Good. Removing his pants carefully, I threw it on the floor messily before removing my clothes and throwing it around the room.

Squeezing some antiseptic cream on a few pieces of tissues, I crumpled them up and threw them in the bin beside the bed before ripping open a few packets of condoms open and squeezing a  generous amount of the cream inside before throwing them into the bin too.

Grabbing the covers and his phone from the bed stand and took a photo of us in bed with his arms around my frame before sending it to the asshole. Putting his phone aside, I threw the covers messily over us before laying my head on his warm and muscular chest.

Phase 3 complete.

Dimitri's POV:

" Sir, Mr Douge wants 6 million or he wouldn't sell his company."

"Tell him that a dying business like his will collapse sooner or later. Tell him that my highest is 2.5 million. If he doesn't want it, don't bother entertaining him if he calls in the future."

"Yes Sir."

*bing* My phone screen flashed brightly to see a notification from Ray. Opening his sms, I downloaded the picture and opened it. Rage filled my veins when I saw what it was.

"Bastard!" I slammed my hands against the desk, scaring Kyle as he jumped back in shock. Grabbing the nearest thing, which is a paperweight, I smashed it against the ground, sending it to its grave.


"I'm going out. Cancel the rest of my meetings for today." I said seriously before speeding home. So this is what he's been doing all the while?! I clenched the steering wheel tightly as I tried focusing on the road.

Parking the car quickly, I dashed towards the doorstep of the house and slamming the door open once I unlocked it. Racing upstairs to Ray's room, I threw the door open to see them naked on the bed.

"WAKE UP!" I pulled the covers off roughly making the bastard wake up with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Jealous?" He asked arrogantly as he place his hand on Ray's bare skin.

"Get your filthy hand off my boyfriend!" He scoffed loudly before grabbing Ray's private. But the weird thing is, he remained sound asleep. No slight actions or even a sound.

"Your boyfriend? Oh please, did he even fuck you hard like he did to me?" Ignoring his rubbish, I pushed him onto the ground before climbing over Ray's motionless body.

"Ray, wake up. Wake up." I slapped him lightly, hopefully to wake him up but he remained unconscious.

"What did you do to him?!" He shrugged lightly with a smirk on his face.

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now