Chapter 21

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Ray's POV:

"Dim? What am I doing here?" I stared at Dimitri confusedly. All I know is that I woke up feeling like I just got banged by a truck and I'm in Dimitri's house.

Wait...Why am I here? Aren't I suppose to be back in the house with Chris? "Oh shit! Chris! I have to go back before he does something bad!" I threw the covers off me and dropped down onto the floor once I tried to stand.

"Kitten!" Dim stood up quickly, carrying me up the bed before sitting in front of me. "Do you remember anything?" I shook my head no and he clenched his fist tightly in anger...what happened?

"What happened to me Dim?"

"Chris. He drugged you and sent me this." He held up his phone to me and what stunned me was the picture he received from me.

"H-How? I don't remember getting drugged by him be honest, I cannot remember anything other than him helping me to my room because I felt faint." Dim fisted his jeans tightly as if he was infuriated.

I wrapped my hands around his, making him loosen up a little. "Do you know how afraid I was? I thought I lost you when I found you lying motionlessly on your bed!" His voice cracked at the end as tears streamed down his cheeks. Reaching up, I cupped his face gently with my hands, wiping the free falling tears away at the same time.

"I'm fine, aren't I? You'll never lose me Dim. I'm yours since the day you proposed to me under the maple tree. So I won't be going anywhere else unless you say so." Pulling me into his embrace, he place a light feathery kiss on my head as he hugged me tightly.

"Promise me that you'll be with me forever?" He mumbled into the crook of my neck. He looks so vulnerable, I can't stand it. Chris must have done something really bad to make him like this.

"Yes Dim, I promise."

"I love you kitten." My heart fluttered at his confession and I knew that I was also deeply in love with him.

"I love you too Dim."


"I didn't know that there are cctv im the house." I stared amazed at the huge screen in front of me showing multiple footages in different parts of the house at any one time.

"My mum said that it's better to be safe than sorry." Sitting down beside him, he took the remote in his hands. "Are you sure that you want me to play back to that day?" Upon my confirmation, he played it back all the way to yesterday in the afternoon.

Holding his hand in mine, I interlocked our fingers together as we watched what happened. At first, everything seemed normal until when Chris stood up to get us drinks. He took a glass to the opened fridge door.

I thought he was just going to pour the juice in but he slipped a white packet out and poured some powdery substance inside the cup first before pouring the juice in. Is that the drug that he gave me? I felt Dim's hand tightening around mine as he glared at Chris's figure.

Dim then skipped it to when I first stumbled in the living room. What surprised me was Chris's grinning face as he watched me tumble around before 'rushing' towards me when I dropped onto the ground. He was there all along...and he just watched...

Dim then fast forwarded to the scene in my bedroom. Creepy that there is a cctv in my room and I never knew. Going back to the screen, I saw myself getting helped to the bed before Chris exited and went back in after a period of time with a smirk.

His hands went to my pants and he pulled it off before throwing it away. The rest of the scene just made my blood boil and feel disgusted of myself. He even grabbed me below and I didn't even do anything to stop him.

I trusted can he do that to me? I've never treated him like that before, why must he do that to me? Why?

Before I knew it, tears was rolling freely down my face as sobs escaped my mouth involuntarily.
"I'm going to fucking kill him!" Dim roared furiously as he threw the remote at the screen, hitting the virtual Chris in the head.

Dim must be so disgusted and disappointed in me now. I mean which guy even lets another guy grab their junk in front of their boyfriend and yet doesn't do anything to stop it?

He wouldn't want me now...

Unable to stand being so close to Dim in fear of rejection, I flung the door ooen before rushing downstairs and hiding in one corner of the kitchen. "Ray!" He shouted my name but I clamped my ears shut as I cried into my hands. I feel so violated and disgusting.

"Ray-kitten. Come here please?" Dim stopped in his tracks when he spotted me behind the kitchen's door. I shook my head reluctantly as he walked towards me.

"Come here kitten. I won't judge you for what happened as you did not know what was happening. It's not your fault at all. I love you kitten. I really mean it."

"How can you love someone as disgusting as me?" Carrying me out delicately from my hiding spot, he place me on his lap as he sat down on the sofa with his arns wrapped tenderly around my frame.

"You're not the disgusting one kitten. That asshole is. What he did can be considered as raping you. Do you want to sue him?" I shook my head. I don't want to cause trouble for him. Chris may had done that to me but he's still my friend and he is not mentally sound till now. They'll just  throw him into the mental institute and lock him in there. I can't let that happen to him.

"Why must you be so kind-hearted kitten?" He sighed deeply under his breath as he stroked my hair softly. I like the feeling of his hand. It's large and comforting. I feel safe in his arms.

"Thank you Dim."


"Being here for me and not casting me away."

"No need to thank me kitten. I love you and I'm never going to let you go. " He is really the best boyfriend one can ever ask for.

Snuggling into his embrace, I tilted my head to give him a light peck on the side of his chin. It tickles.

"It's prickly." He laughed lightly at my little comment, his melodious laugher feeling my ears, making me smile. He really affects me a lot.



"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" Tomorrow? It's Friday and today's Thursdays!

"Don't you have work today and tomorrow?!" I asked in realisation as he chuckled lightly before tapping the tip of my nose lightly.

"Stop worrying so much about me kitten. I'm the boss remember? I can just take a month off and no one will be angry. I think they'll celebrate instead. Maybe have a party or popping champagne every week." A small laughter escaped my lips as I felt more relaxed already. He really knows how to cheer me up.

"Yes." He smiled warmly before wrapping his arms around me again.

"That's all I needed to hear."

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now