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*4 years later*

Ray's POV:

"Ashton Henderson! Get back here now!" I chased after my elder by 2 minutes son.

"Noooo!" He screamed as he ran down the hall butt-naked. He hates clothes.

Dashing for him blindly, I tripped over one of their toy truck which is lying in the middle of the hall. Shit! Bracing for the impact, I closed my eyes tightly for the pain to hit me but a pair of muscular arms caught me in the nick of time.

"Are you okay mummy?" My younger son, Caden, asked with concern. Caden calls me Mummy and Dim Daddy while Ashton calls me Daddy and Dim Papa.

"Yes I am Caden. Thanks to your daddy." Getting on my feet properly, I place a kiss on Dim's lips making him smile warmly.

"Daddy is mummy's spiderman?" He's crazy about spiderman. He thinks that he's cool and wants to get bitten by a spider too. Imgaine how we had to tell him that that's a silly thing and he may get poisoned first before he can even become spiderman.

"Yes he is. Now, why is your toy lying here?"

"That's Ashton's one mummy but I'll help him clear it up."

"Thank you Caden. You're such a big boy already. You can get a cookie from the jar afterwards. " He beamed cutely before scampering away quickly with the toy in his hand.

Time to find the little monster now. Just before I can continue my chase for the little monster, Dim place his hands on my shoulders firmly, keeping me in place.

"I'll go get Ash. I don't wish to see you fall or trip again." That sounds comforting...

"Thanks love."

"Anything for you kitten." He pressed his lips against my cheek before walking down the hall.

Just before I can enter the kitchen, Ashton came running towards me with fear in his eyes, latching onto my leg immediately as Dim ran after him with his clothes.

"Nooooo! I don't want! I don't want a dangle doodle coming after me Daddy!"

"Dangle doodle?" I glanced at Dim confused making him shrug with a playful grin on his face.

"Papa said that a dangle doodle cuts off birdies if it sees any. I don't want it to cut my birdie, daddy!" He stared at me with pure horror in his eyes. Caden shook his head in disbelief upon hearing his words while Dim chuckled deeply.

"Oh dear! That's terrible isn't it?" Ash nodded frantically as tears welled up in his eyes." Then you should wear your clothes right?" He nodded quickly before snatching his clothes out of Dim's hands and putting them on quickly.

"The dangle doodle won't come for me now, right papa?"

"Yes Ash. Now, you and Caden should go and grab your bags from your room. Grandma and Grandpa will be here soon to pick you two up."

"Yes papa." "Okay daddy." They chorused before dashing upstairs while holding hands.


Dimitri's POV:

Bidding them goodbye, I grab kitten's ass in my hands while spinning around, pinning him against the wall. "You're mine now kitten."

"I'm yours...daddy." He purred seductively, making my blood rush south at his words. Yes, call me daddy.

"Tell me what you want kitten."

"I want you daddy. I want you fuck me so hard till I can't even walk tomorrow." Fucking hell. He's so going to kill me with his sexiness.

"Stip and lie on the table. Hands above your head." I ordered and he immediately took off his clothes and lie on the dining table like a nude model. Delicious.

Taking a smooth cloth, I tied his hands together tightly before taking the hershey chocolate syrup and chopped fruits out of the fridge. His pupils dilated as I threw my clothes off, leaving only my boxers on.

Popping the cap of the squeeze bottle open, I squirted a generous amount of the chocolate onto his chest and all the way down to his raging boner. His flinched at its coldness, his muscles tightening as the chocolate syrup landed on the sensitive places.

"Daddy..." Kitten moaned as his cocok stood painfully erect. What a beautiful sight.

"Yes kitten? Tell daddy what you want." I layed the chopped fruits on his chest and abs, putting two of them in his sensitive nipples.

"Fuck! I want you to eat me daddy. I want you to swallow me whole."

"As you wish." I dived down immediately, licking the chocolaty goodness off his smooth and creamy skin as he squirmed beneath my tongue.

"D-Daddy!" He cried out as he tried to untie the dead knot which I've tied. I travelled up slowly, circling my tongue around one of his nipple before sucking on it hard like a hungry beast. He moaned loudly as pre-cum leaked from his mushroom head. Smirking at the effect I have on him, I did the same to his other nipple as he panted and twisted in pleasure.

"Daddy please!" He cried out as his whole body trembled in need of release.

"Tell me what you want kitten."

"I want to cum daddy. Please let me cum." He pleaded as I gave his abs a final taste. He tastes wonderful. Without another word, I travelled down south and took his cock into my mouth and sucked him hard as my tongue twirled around his mushroom head.

"Oh my god! Daddy!" I bobbed my head faster as I took him in deeper and faster, deep throating him like a pro as he panted feverishly. "I'm going to cum daddy!" He screamed as I ran my tongue over the slit.

Not wanting to stop, I hummed in reply, sending vibrations through his cock. "Daddy!" He screamed as he released his hot and thick essence down my throat.

"You taste amazing babe." I whispered into his ear as he smiled at me with one eye closed.

"Thanks. Can you untie my hands now? I have something for you." Untying his hands with ease, he took the cloth from me and blindfolded me, ordering me to sit down as he went to get something.

"Do not open your eyes until I say so, okay?" I'm practically blind?  Nodding nonetheless, he place a kiss on my cheek before walking away again.

"You can untie it now." Untying the blindfold quickly, I looked around to see the usual. Should I be seeing some change somehow? Sensing my confusion, he beackoned me over to the full body mirror and asked me to look at it.

I found a pink lipstick stain on my cheek as kitten stared at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "Are you trying on lipsticks?" He facepalmed himself before shaking his head. No?

He took my hand in his before guiding me slowly to rest it on my stomach...holy shit! Is he...pregnant?! I stared at him with wide eyes as he giggled at my alarmed reaction.

"Y-You're pregnant again?" He nodded shyly. Oh my goodness! My kitten is pregnant again!

"Oh my god, oh my god, thank you kitten. Thank you so so much." I rained kisses all over his face as he laughed melodically. 

"You're silly." He tapped my nose lightly before giggling cutely when I scrunched my nose.

"Only for you, my pastry chef."

Hi loves! So this is complete already! I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Thanks for all the votes and the lovely comments. Thank you all! ♡

Btw, I'm thinking if I should write a new book for the series. Should I? If y'all do want a new book, please comment what type of genre you want. But I'll only write if I have at least 50 votes for this chapter as I need some time to think of the story in the meantime.

So seeya loves! Hope to see ya'll again. ♡ Goodbye!!!

My Pastry Chef (B×B) [Book 2 of the Tantalizing Love Series]Where stories live. Discover now