Chapter 6

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Ray's POV:

"Wake up you fucker! Wake up wake up!" Chris smacked a pillow against my face repeatedly, waking me up from my sleep. Fuck, my head hurts. I feel like I got banged by a wrecking ball.

"What the hell you want?" Groaning in pain, I opened my eyes to see him puffing his cheeks out in anger while sitting crossed-arm on my bed.

"How can you leave me there and come back home alone you selfish bastard! Now my back hurts from sleeping on the hard floor." Hurt by hard floor or by sex? How did I even back at the first place? I don't remember driving...

"You sure not due to the after effects of having hardcore sex?" He blushed red at my words before throwing the pillow at my head.

"Shut up. It's obviously not due to sex...Anyway, how did you even come back? Your car was left behind and I just drove it back."

"To be honest, I have no idea. I only remember drinking with you, dancing with a guy and...nothing else."

"Did you drunk-walk back?" He laughed at his own words before pretending to be a zombie that is sleep-walking.

"That's crazy and bullshit. That pub is like a 30 minutes drive from here-wait...what time is now?!"

"8. Why?"

"Shit! I'm suppose to get breakfast done by 7! Shit!" Forgetting about my headache, I ran downstairs to the kitchen to find Joey standing by the door.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Joey-" He waved me off lightly while laughing softly.

"It's alright Sir. Master told me to tell you that there's no need to prepare breakfast for him today. He had an emergency meeting so he would settle breakfast himself. But he's expecting lunch and dinner."

"Thank goodness! I swear I just had a heart attack. Don't worry Joey. I'll get them prepared on time. By the way, want to join us for breakfast? I'm making cheese filled omelette with sausages and chocolate scones."

"Yes please Sir. It sounds amazing." He beamed shyly as Chris slid down the stairs.

"Woah! Who's this cutie here? Your boyfriend?" He's going to break the banister one day.

"No, he's my friend and also the butler of the main house."

"You consider me as your friend?" Joey questions in disbelief. Nodding my head, he smiled widely, showing me his pearly whites.

"Wow. He's adorable. Hello cutie. I'm Chris, this guy's bestest friend." Chris winked playfully at Joey making him blush deeply.

"I'm Joey." He replied shyly as he shook Chris's outstretched hand.

"Who said you're my bestest friend?"

"True, I'm not your bestest friend but your only friend." Rolling my eyes, I returned to preparing the batter for the scones.

"So cutie-"

"Stop pestering him dude. You don't even know which way he swing."

"Which way I swing?" Joey asks curiously as he stared at me with his big round eyes.

"And too innocent for you."

"Shut up dickhead. You go cook and let me do the talking."

"Sure...just don't scare him away." He rolled his eyes, treating my words like nothing. How lovely...

Chris's POV:

Dragging Joey out of the kitchen, I motioned him to sit down and he did so immediately like a perfect submissive. "So cutie, do you prefer hotdogs or coconuts?"

He pondered deeply for a few seconds before replying, "Hotdogs are nice but they are high in sodium and fats so I'll choose coconuts instead."

*Internally facepalms* He's really too innocent...

"I mean...dicks or vags..." His eyes opened wide in realisation as he looked away, avoiding my eyes.

"Oh...hotdogs." His cheeks flamed up before whispering out his preference.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Shaking his head in embarrassment, I chortled in amusement at his cuteness.

"You don't have to be so reserved around us. We don't judge at all. We are those who...goof around like idiots?" Is that even the right word?

"That's you! Not me! Don't drag me in!" Ray hollered from the kitchen as Joey snickered, visibly entertained by us.

"Whatever cocksucker! Don't disturb us!"

"Fine! Breakfast is ready Joey! Leave him there and come help yourself!"

"Thank you!"Joey giggled before running off to the kitchen...leaving me behind...

"You betrayal!" I chased after him, making him scream in fear and excitement.

"Protect me Sir!"Joey ran behind Ray, hiding himself from me as Ray gave me a stink eye.

"Sit down you big baby or-"


"No more custard tarts." Noooo! Not the tarts!

"Okay. I'm down." Plopping my ass down immediately on the hard chair, I just remembered my sore ass. Pain...

Joey's POV:

"Hope you like them." Sir said as he place a big plate of mouthwatering food in front of me.

"Thanks Sir-"

"Ray. Call me Ray. Friends don't call each other by sir or whatever on that line."

"Thank you...Ray."

"Why don't you call me Sir?" Chris wriggled his eyebrows flirtingly as he waved the sausage in the air like a flag.

"Shut up idiot! Eat you food before I take it away."

"Fine fine. Geez, you are sounding more and more like an old man." Chris snorted as he stuffed the sausage into his mouth as he stared at Ray.

"Yeah and I wonder who caused it?" Ray retorted while rolling his eyes as he bit into his scone.

"Joey, is the food not to your liking? You're not eating."

"Oops. Sorry. It's just too interesting.  It's been a long time since I've last enjoyed myself." They shook it off like its nothing as Ray offered me another scone which I kindly declined.

"You're free to pop by anytime you want. We can have movie nights or whatever you like." Ray suggested as Chris agreed enthusiastically.

"Really?" They nodded in union, causing tears to well up in my eyes. "Thank you."


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